Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Managing authentication for a ZFS Object Store

 As promised, I am continuing my blog series on how to work with ZFS as a cloud store.

My first blog post went through the steps of how to configure ZFS as an object store.

This post will go through how to create the authentication keys/secrets to access  Object Store.

OCI/S3 user management

The first thing to do is to create a user on the ZFS that will be used as the owner of the object store.

In my case I am going to use the "oracle" account, and ensure that the GUID is the same as the GUID I use on all my DB servers.

NOTE: Most of the information I used to go through the process was from this document.

Create the user

Start by logging into the web interface for the ZFS appliance and navigate to Configuration -> users .

Once on this page, click on the + sign next to users to create a new user. In the example, I had already created the Oracle user.

Now on the create user page, ensure the user is a "local" user, and the "User ID" is the same as the GUID I normally use for Oracle. After entering the information, click on "ADD" in the upper right hand corner to add the user.

Change share ownership

Now that I have the "oracle" user created, I am going to change ownership on my share that will be my object store.

In order to do this, I am going navigate to Shares -> SHARES . I see my object store share and highlight it and click on the pencil icon to edit the share.

I am now on the detail screen for my share, and I navigate to the Shares -> SHARES -> Access page.
On this page, I change the user to be Oracle, and ensure the permissions are open enough. Once this change is made click on the apply button in the top right hand corner.

OCI Authentication.

Create the API keys

Now we need to add to add the API key to authenticate the user to the Object store.
In the case of an OCI bucket, authentication is performed by using an X.509 certificate.
This is the same authentication used for an OCI bucket in the Oracle Cloud.

Instructions on how to create an API signing key can be found here.

In my case I used the linux command instructions, and the openssl command to create both a private and public key.  When completed, I had 2 files.

        -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

       -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Add the API key

Now that we generated the Keys, lets add them to the share so we can access the OCI object store.

We start by going to Configuration-> Services -> HTTP. Click on HTTP to bring up the next page.

On this page, we want to go to the OCI tab and add a new key.

On the "New Key" window that popped up, add the Oracle user, and paste in the public key. Once everything is entered click on add to create the key.

Once added make note of the Fingerprint.

S3 Authentication.

Create the Secret.

Unlike OCI, S3 authentication is done through a "secret".  The use of a "secret" is similar to the idea of a Key and a Passcode. You create a new access  key for the user, and you then you are provided a long string that is the "passcode" for this key.

Like creating API key for OCI, we start by going to the HTTP service.

This time we go the S3 tab under HTTP and click on the + sign to add a key.

Enter the oracle user, and give your key a name. Once complete, click on ADD to create the key.

Now you will see a window with the Secret Key.
SAVE THIS KEY. you will not be given this key again. You can copy and paste it, but better yet, save it in a file.

Authentication for S3 and OCI.

When you completed both of these actions you will have 2 authentication pieces that we will use to create buckets and access the object store in future blog posts.

S3 - You have an "ACCESSS_KEY" and a "SECRET_KEY" that will be used.

OCI - You have a file containing the private_key, public_key, and the fingerprint associated with the public_key to identify it.

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