Friday, July 6, 2012

What happened to my sql (sql_id) ?

While finishing up a few things, I ran across a query that wasn't playing nicely. It had 4 different plans over the course of the last couple of days, and I wanted to see what happend.. I came up with the nifty query below.  If you plug in a sql_id, it will go through the AWR history, and return (ordered by date last executed), the plans grouped by plan_hash_value. Within each plan_hash_value it will give you the objects in the plan, and when they were last analyzed.  By using this you should see what plans are good, when they were last executed, and if anything was analyzed to change the plan.

set linesize 160
set pagesize 1000
break on plan_hash_value skip 1 nodup  on last_executed skip 1 nodup  on avg_exec_time skip 1
select object_owner ||'.'|| object_name object_name,
case object_type
  when 'INDEX' then (select last_analyzed from dba_indexes b where owner=object_owner and index_name=object_name)
  when 'TABLE'  then (select last_analyzed from dba_tables b where owner=object_owner and table_name=object_name)
 else null 
end last_analyzed,
 to_char((select max(end_interval_time) from dba_hist_snapshot b,
                                           dba_hist_sqlstat c 
                            where c.sql_id=a.sql_id and 
                                  c.plan_hash_value=a.plan_hash_value and 
                              b.snap_id=c.snap_id),'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') last_Executed,
to_char((select sum(elapsed_time_delta)/sum(executions_delta) from dba_hist_sqlstat d where d.sql_id=a.sql_id and d.plan_hash_value=a.plan_hash_value)/1024/1024,'999.99') avg_exec_time
where a.SQL_ID='gbug7dg8adhgh'
 and object_type in ('INDEX','TABLE')
order by last_executed desc ,a.plan_hash_value , last_analyzed desc;

Here is an example of the output

              OBJECT_NAME                                 OBJECT_TYPE          PLAN_HASH_VALUE LAST_ANALYZED       LAST_EXECUTED  AVG_EXE
-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------- -------------- -------
MY_SCHEMA.SNP_CDC_SUBS                                     TABLE                     2518369181 2012-07-06 09:25:15 07/06/12 10:00  791.37
MY_SCHEMA.SNP_CDC_SUBS                                     TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:25:15
MY_SCHEMA.D$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:25:06
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
ERD.DIM_TABS_COMP_PLCY_AGMT                                TABLE                                2012-07-06 00:39:33
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_COMP_PLCY_AGMT                               TABLE                                2012-05-25 09:20:39
MY_SCHEMA.IDX_WCPA_AGMT_ID                                 INDEX                                2012-05-25 09:20:39
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_COMP_PLCY_ST_CLSF_VT                         TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:49:43
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_COMP_PLCY_ST_CLSF                            TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:49:43
MY_SCHEMA.WPTD_COMP_PER_TAX                                TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:39:30
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_REG                                          TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:31:18
MY_SCHEMA.CO_TAB                                           TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:27:50
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_PAYR                                         TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:26:47
MY_SCHEMA.AGMT_REG                                         TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:21:09

MY_SCHEMA.SNP_CDC_SUBS                                     TABLE                     1903861587 2012-07-06 09:25:15 07/06/12 09:00  882.94
MY_SCHEMA.SNP_CDC_SUBS                                     TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:25:15
MY_SCHEMA.D$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:25:06
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
MY_SCHEMA.J$TAB_REG                                        TABLE                                2012-07-06 09:24:50
ERD.DIM_TABS_COMP_PLCY_AGMT                                TABLE                                2012-07-06 00:39:33
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_COMP_PLCY_AGMT                               TABLE                                2012-05-25 09:20:39
MY_SCHEMA.IDX_WCPA_AGMT_ID                                 INDEX                                2012-05-25 09:20:39
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_COMP_PLCY_ST_CLSF_VT                         TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:49:43
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_COMP_PLCY_ST_CLSF                            TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:49:43
MY_SCHEMA.WPTD_COMP_PER_TAX                                TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:39:30
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_REG                                          TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:31:18
MY_SCHEMA.CO_TAB                                           TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:27:50
MY_SCHEMA.TAB_PAYR                                         TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:26:47
MY_SCHEMA.AGMT_REG                                         TABLE                                2012-05-15 18:21:09

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