Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Autonomous Recovery Service Prechecks

 If you are configuring backups to utilize the Autonomous Recovery Service, there are some prerequisites that you need to be aware of.  If your Oracle Database was originally created in OCI and has always been OCI, those prerequisites are already configured for your database.  But, if you migrated a database to an OCI service, you might not realize that these items are required.

Prerequisites for Autonomous Recovery Service

1) WALLET_ROOT must be configured in the SPFILE.

WALLET_ROOT is a new parameter that was added in 19c, and its purpose is to replace the SQLNET.ENCRYTPION_WALLET_LOCATION in the sqlnet.ora file. Configuring the encryption wallet location in the sqlnet.ora file is depreciated.
WALLET_ROOT points to the directory path on the DB node(s) where the encryption wallet is stored for this database, and possibly the OKV endpoint client if you are using OKV to manage your encryption keys.
WALLET_ROOT allows each database to have it's own configuration location specific to each database.

There is a second parameter that goes with WALLET_ROOT that tells the database what kind of wallet is used (file, HSM or OKV), and that parameter is tde_configuration.

Running the script below should return the WALLET_ROOT location, and the tde_configuration information.

Checking the WALLET_ROOT and tde_configuration

Below you can see that both of these parameters are configured and I am using a wallet file.

Parameter            Value
-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
wallet_root          /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/bgrenndb/wallet_root
tde_configuration    keystore_configuration=FILE

If you need to migrate to WALLET_ROOT use the tooling .

dbaascli tde enableWalletRoot - enable wallet_root spfile parameter for existing database.

           Usage: dbaascli tde enableWalletRoot --dbname <value> [--dbRestart <value>] [--executePrereqs] [--resume [--sessionID <value>]]
                          --dbname - Oracle database name.
                          [--dbRestart - database restart option. Valid values : full|rolling ]
                          [ --executePrereqs - run the prerequisite checks and report the results. ]
                          [--resume - to resume the previous operation]
                          [--sessionID - to resume a specific session id.]

2) Encryption keys must be configured and available

In order to leverage the Autonomous Recovery Service, you must have an encryption key set and available for the CDB and each PDB.  If you migrated a non-TDE database (or plugged in a nonTDE PDB) to OCI you might not have configured encryption for one ore more PDBs.  The next step is to ensure that you have an encryption key set, and the wallet is open.  The query below should return "OPEN" for each CDB/PDB showing that the encryption key is available.

Below is the output from the query showing that the wallet is open for the CDB and the PDBs. 

   INST_ID PDB Name   Type       WRL_PARAMETER                                                Status
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------
         1 BGRENNPDB1 FILE                                                                    OPEN
           CDB$ROOT   FILE       /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/bgrenndb/wallet_root/tde/         OPEN
           PDB$SEED   FILE                                                                    OPEN

         2 BGRENNPDB1 FILE                                                                    OPEN
           CDB$ROOT   FILE       /var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/bgrenndb/wallet_root/tde/         OPEN
           PDB$SEED   FILE                                                                    OPEN

3) All tablespaces are TDE encrypted

TDE encryption is mandatory in OCI, and the Autonomous Recovery Service cannot be used if all of your tablespaces are not encrypted.  Below is a query to run that will tell you if your tablespaces are all encrypted.

In my case I can see that all of the tablespaces are encrypted

Encrypted tablespace information
Number of encrypted tablespaces   :      12
Number of unencrypted tablespaces :      0
Total Number of tablespaces       :      12

To find any tablespaces that are not encrypted you can run the query below.

4) Turn Off Any Manual Operational Backups.

In some cases, OCI users perform manual operational backups. These backups are run outside the standard tooling and support point-in-time recovery (non-KEEP backups).
Performing incremental backups to multiple locations can cause integrity issues with recovery.
The original backups can be kept to support the original retention window, and ensure that you have operational backups for a point-in-time prior to onboarding to the Recovery Service.  
Choose an appropriate cutover time, and switch to the Recovery Service, and slowly remove older backups as they expire until they are all completely removed.

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