Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How to clone a single PDB onto another DB host.

Cloning a single PDB isn't always easy to do, especially if you are trying to use an existing backup rather copying from an existing database.  In this blog post I will walk through how to restore a PDB from an existing Multi-tenant backup to another host, and plug it into another CDB.

My environment is:

DBCS database  FASTDB

        db_name                                  fastdb

        db_unique_name                     = fastdb_67s_iad

        DB Version                              = 19.19

        TDE                                         = Using local wallet 

        Backup                                    = Object Storage using the Tooling 

        RMAN catalog                        = Using RMAN catalog to emulate ZDLRA

        PDB name                              = fastdb_pdb1

Step #1 - Prepare destination

The first step is to copy over all the necessary pieces for restoring the database using the object store library.

  • TDE wallet
  • Tape Library
  • Tape Library config file
  • SEPS wallet used by backup connection
  • SPFILE contents to build a pfile
NOTE: When using a ZDLRA as a source you need to copy over the following pieces.
  • TDE wallet
  • ZDLRA library (or use the library in the $ORACLE_HOME)
  • SEPS wallet used by the channel allocation to connect to the ZDLRA
  • SPFILE contents to build a pfile

Also create any directories needed (like audit file location).
  • mkdir /u01/app/oracle/admin/fastdb_67s_iad/adump
I added the entry to the /etc/oratab file and changed my environment to point to this database name.

In my case I copied the following directories and subdirectories to the same destination on the host.
  • scp /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/fastdb_67s_iad/*
  • scp /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/oss/fastdb_67s_iad/*
Finally, I copied some of the contents in the spfile.  Below are the critical entries.

Step #2 - Restore controlfile

The next step is to restore the controlfile to my destination host

I grabbed 2 pieces of information from the source database
  • DBID  - This is needed to restore the controlfile from the backup.
  • Channel configuration.
With this I executed the following to restore the controlfile.

startup nomount;
set dbid=1292000107;

 allocate CHANNEL sbt1 DEVICE TYPE  'SBT_TAPE' FORMAT   '%d_%I_%U_%T_%t' PARMS  'SBT_LIBRARY=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/oss/fastdb_67s_iad/libopc.so ENV=(OPC_PFILE=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/oss/fastdb_67s_iad/acefbba5-65ad-454c-b1fe-467dec1abde4/opc_fastdb_67s_iad.ora)';
 restore controlfile ;

and below is my output.

RMAN>  run
 allocate CHANNEL sbt1 DEVICE TYPE  'SBT_TAPE' FORMAT   '%d_%I_%U_%T_%t' PARMS  'SBT_LIBRARY=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/oss/fastdb_67s_iad/libopc.so ENV=(OPC_PFILE=/opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/oss/fastdb_67s_iad/acefbba5-65ad-454c-b1fe-467dec1abde4/opc_fastdb_67s_iad.ora)';
 restore controlfile ;
 }2> 3> 4> 5>

allocated channel: sbt1
channel sbt1: SID=1513 device type=SBT_TAPE
channel sbt1: Oracle Database Backup Service Library VER=

Starting restore at 08-AUG-23

channel sbt1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel sbt1: restoring control file
channel sbt1: reading from backup piece c-1292000107-20230808-04
channel sbt1: piece handle=c-1292000107-20230808-04 tag=TAG20230808T122731
channel sbt1: restored backup piece 1
channel sbt1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
output file name=+RECO/FASTDB_67S_IAD/CONTROLFILE/current.2393.1144350823
Finished restore at 08-AUG-23

Step #3 - Restore Datafiles for CDB and my PDB

Below is the commands I am going to execute to restore the datafiles for my CDB , my PDB and the PDB$SEED.

First I'm going to mount the database, and I am going to spool the output to a logfile.

alter database mount;

SPOOL LOG TO '/tmp/restore.log';
set echo on;

run { 
            restore database root ;
            restore database FASTDB_PDB1;
            restore database "PDB$SEED";

I went through the output, and I can see that it only restored  the CDB , my PDB, and the PDB$SEED.

Step #4 - execute report schema and review file locations

List of Permanent Datafiles
File Size(MB) Tablespace           RB segs Datafile Name
---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------
1    1040     SYSTEM               YES     +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/DATAFILE/system.283.1144351313
3    970      SYSAUX               NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/DATAFILE/sysaux.284.1144351305
4    95       UNDOTBS1             YES     +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/DATAFILE/undotbs1.280.1144351303
5    410      PDB$SEED:SYSTEM      NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/F9D6EA8CCAA09630E0530905F40A5107/DATAFILE/system.264.1143303695
6    390      PDB$SEED:SYSAUX      NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/F9D6EA8CCAA09630E0530905F40A5107/DATAFILE/sysaux.265.1143303695
7    50       PDB$SEED:UNDOTBS1    NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/F9D6EA8CCAA09630E0530905F40A5107/DATAFILE/undotbs1.266.1143303695
8    410      FASTDB_PDB1:SYSTEM   YES     +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/017B7B0563F0410FE063A100000A1C63/DATAFILE/system.291.1144351333
9    410      FASTDB_PDB1:SYSAUX   NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/017B7B0563F0410FE063A100000A1C63/DATAFILE/sysaux.292.1144351331
10   70       FASTDB_PDB1:UNDOTBS1 YES     +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/017B7B0563F0410FE063A100000A1C63/DATAFILE/undotbs1.281.1144351329
11   5        USERS                NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/DATAFILE/users.285.1144351303
12   5        FASTDB_PDB1:USERS    NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/017B7B0563F0410FE063A100000A1C63/DATAFILE/users.295.1144351329
13   420      RMANPDB:SYSTEM       YES     +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/021D506D8C7ADC01E063A100000A8702/DATAFILE/system.285.1143999311
14   420      RMANPDB:SYSAUX       NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/021D506D8C7ADC01E063A100000A8702/DATAFILE/sysaux.282.1143999317
15   50       RMANPDB:UNDOTBS1     YES     +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/021D506D8C7ADC01E063A100000A8702/DATAFILE/undotbs1.281.1143999323
16   5        RMANPDB:USERS        NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/021D506D8C7ADC01E063A100000A8702/DATAFILE/users.284.1143999309
17   100      RMANPDB:RMANDATA     NO      +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/021D506D8C7ADC01E063A100000A8702/DATAFILE/rmandata.280.1144001911

List of Temporary Files
File Size(MB) Tablespace           Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name
---- -------- -------------------- ----------- --------------------
1    20       TEMP                 32767       +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/TEMPFILE/temp.263.1143304005
2    131      PDB$SEED:TEMP        32767       +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/017B5DDEB84167ACE063A100000AD816/TEMPFILE/temp.267.1143303733
4    224      FASTDB_PDB1:TEMP     4095        +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/017B7B0563F0410FE063A100000A1C63/TEMPFILE/temp.272.1143304235
6    224      RMANPDB:TEMP         4095        +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/021D506D8C7ADC01E063A100000A8702/TEMPFILE/temp.283.1143999305

Step #5 - Determine tablespaces to skip during recovery

I ran this on my primary database, and used it to build the RMAN command. This command will get the names of the tablespaces that are not part of this PDB so that I can ignore them.

select '''' ||pdb_name||''':'||tablespace_name ||',' 
    from cdb_tablespaces a,
         dba_pdbs b
         where a.con_id=b.con_id(+)
         and b.pdb_name not in ('FASTDB_PDB1')
order by 1;

From the above, I built the script below that skips the tablespaces for the PDB "RMANPDB".

recover database skip forever tablespace 
And then ran my RMAN script to recover my datafiles that were restored.
NOTE: the datafiles for my second PDB were "offline dropped"

Starting recover at 08-AUG-23
RMAN-06908: warning: operation will not run in parallel on the allocated channels
RMAN-06909: warning: parallelism require Enterprise Edition
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=3771 device type=DISK
allocated channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: SID=4523 device type=SBT_TAPE
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: Oracle Database Backup Service Library VER=
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: starting incremental datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
destination for restore of datafile 00001: +DATA/FASTDB_67S_IAD/DATAFILE/system.283.1144351313


Executing: alter database datafile 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 offline drop
starting media recovery

channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=26
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: reading from backup piece FASTDB_1292000107_5m23a29f_182_1_1_20230808_1144326447
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: piece handle=FASTDB_1292000107_5m23a29f_182_1_1_20230808_1144326447 tag=TAG20230808T122727
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
archived log file name=+RECO/FASTDB_67S_IAD/ARCHIVELOG/2023_08_08/thread_1_seq_26.2389.1144352807 thread=1 sequence=26
channel default: deleting archived log(s)
archived log file name=+RECO/FASTDB_67S_IAD/ARCHIVELOG/2023_08_08/thread_1_seq_26.2389.1144352807 RECID=1 STAMP=1144352806
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished recover at 08-AUG-23

Step #6 - Open database 

I opened the database and the PDB
SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database fastdb_pdb1 open;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> show pdbs;

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 FASTDB_PDB1                    READ ONLY  NO
         4 RMANPDB                        MOUNTED

I also went and updated my init{sid}.ora to point to the controlfile that I restored.

Step #8 - Create shell PDB in the tooling

I created a new PDB that is going to be the name of the PDB I am going to plug in.  This is optional.

Step #7 - Switch my restored database to be a primary database

I found that the database was considered a standby database, and I needed to make it a primary to unplug my pdb

Media recovery complete.


SQL> alter database commit to switchover to primary with session shutdown;

Database altered.

Step #8 - unplug my PDB

I opened the database and unplugged my PDB.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database fastdb_pdb1 unplug into '/tmp/fastdb_pdb1.xml' ENCRYPT USING transport_secret;

Pluggable database altered.

drop pluggable database fastdb_pdb1 keep datafiles;SQL>

Pluggable database dropped.

Step #9 - Drop the placeholder PDB from the new CDB

Now I am unplugging, and dropping the placeholder PDB.

SQL> show pdbs;

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 LAST21C_PDB1                   READ WRITE NO
         4 CLONED_FASTDB                  READ WRITE NO
SQL> alter pluggable database CLONED_FASTDB close;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database CLONED_FASTDB unplug into '/tmp/CLONED_FASTDB.xml' ENCRYPT USING transport_secret;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> drop pluggable database CLONED_FASTDB keep datafiles;

Pluggable database dropped.

Step #10 - Plug in the PDB and open it up

create pluggable database CLONED_FASTDB USING '/tmp/fastdb_pdb1.xml' keystore identified by W3lCom3#123#123 decrypt using transport_secret
SQL>   2    3

Pluggable database created.

SQL> SQL>alter pluggable database cloned_fastdb open;

That's it.  it took a bit to track down the instructions, but this all seemed to work.

Step #11 - Clone the PDB to ensure that the tooling worked

I next cloned the PDB to make sure the tooling properly recognized my PDB and it all worked fine. You can that I know have a second copy of the PDB (test_clone).

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

ZDLRA - Copy-to-cloud steps by step explained

 One of the best features of the ZDLRA is the ability to dynamically create a full Keep backup and send it to Cloud (ZFSSA or OCI) for archival storage.

Here is a great article by Oracle Product Manager Marco Calmasini that explains how to use this feature.

In this blog post, I will go through the RACLI steps that you execute, and explain what is happening with each step

The documentation I am started with is the 21.1 administrators Guide which can be here.  If you are on a more current release, then you can find the steps in chapter named "Archiving Backups to Cloud".

Deploying the OKV Client Software

To ensure that all the backup pieces are encrypted, you must use OKV (Oracle Key Vault) to manage the encryption keys that are being used by the ZDLRA.  Even if you are using TDE for the datafiles, the copy-to-cloud process encrypts ALL backup pieces including the backup of the controlfile, and spfile which aren't already encrypted.

I am not going to go through the detailed steps that are in the documentation to configure OKV, but I will just go through the high level processes.

The most important items to note on this sections are

  • Both nodes of the ZDLRA are added as endpoints, and they should have a descriptive name that identifies them, and ties them together.
  • A new endpoint group should be created with a descriptive name, and both nodes should be added to the new endpoint group.
  • A new virtual wallet is created with a descriptive name, and this needs to both associated with the 2 endpoints, and be the default wallet for the endpoints.
  • Both endpoints of the ZDLRA are enrolled through OKV and during the enrollment process a unique enrollment token file is created for each node. It is best to immediately rename the files to identify the endpoint it is associated with using the format <myhost>-okvclient.jar.
  • Copy the enrollment token files to the /radump directory on the appropriate host.
NOTE: It is critical that you follow these directions exactly, and that each node has the appropriate enrollment token with the appropriate name before continuing.

#1 Add credential_wallet

racli add credential_wallet

Fri Jan 1 08:56:27 2018: Start: Add Credential Wallet
Enter New Keystore Password: <OKV_endpoint_password>
Confirm New Keystore Password:
Enter New Wallet Password: <ZDLRA_credential_wallet_password> 
Confirm New Wallet Password:
Re-Enter New Wallet Password:
Fri Jan 1 08:56:40 2018: End: Add Credential Wallet

The first step to configure the ZDLRA to talk to OKV is to have the ZDLRA create a password protected SEPS wallet file that contains the OKV password.
This step asks for 2 new passwords when executing
  1. New Keystore Password - This password is the OKV endpoint password.  This password is used to communicate with OKV by the database, and can be used with okvutil to interact with OKV directly
  2. New Wallet Password - This password is used to protect the wallet file itself that will contain the OKV keystore password.
This password file is shared across both nodes.

Update contents      -  "racli add credential"
Change password    - "racli alter credential_wallet"

#2 Add keystore

racli add keystore --type hsm --restart_db

Fri Jan 1 08:57:03 2018: Start: Configure Wallets
Fri Jan 1 08:57:04 2018: End: Configure Wallets
Fri Jan 1 08:57:04 2018: Start: Stop Listeners, and Database
Fri Jan 1 08:59:26 2018: End: Stop Listeners, and Database
Fri Jan 1 08:59:26 2018: Start: Start Listeners, and Database
Fri Jan 1 09:02:16 2018: End: Start Listeners, and Database

The second step to configure the ZDLRA to talk to OKV is to have the ZDLRA database be configured to communicate with OKV. The Database on the ZDLRA will be configured to use the OKV wallet for encryption keys which requires a bounce of the database.  

Backout         - "racli remove keystore" 
Status            - "racli status keystore"
Update          - "racli alter keystore"
Disable          - "racli disable keystore"
Enable            - "racli enable keystore"

#3 Install okv_endpoint (OKV client software)

racli install okv_endpoint

23 20:14:40 2018: Start: Install OKV End Point [node01]
Wed August 23 20:14:43 2018: End: Install OKV End Point [node01]
Wed August 23 20:14:43 2018: Start: Install OKV End Point [node02]
Wed August 23 20:14:45 2018: End: Install OKV End Point [node02]

The third step to configure the ZDLRA to talk to OKV is to have the ZDLRA nodes (OKV endpoints) enrolled in OKV.  This step will install the OKV software on both nodes of the ZDLRA, and complete the enrollment of the 2 ZDLRA nodes with OKV.  The password that entered in step #1 for OKV is used during the enrollment process.

Status            - "racli status okv_endpoint"

NOTE: At the end of this step, the status command should return a status of online from both nodes.

Node: node02
Endpoint: Online
Node: node01
Endpoint: Online

#4 Open the Keystore

racli enable keystore

The fourth step to configure the ZDLRA to talk to OKV is to have the ZDLRA nodes open the encryption wallet in the database. This step will use the saved passwords from step #1 and open up the encryption wallet.

NOTE: This will need to be executed after any restarts of the database on the ZDLRA.

#5 Create a TDE master key for the ZDLRA in the Keystore

racli alter keystore --initialize_key

The final step to configure the ZDLRA to talk to OKV is to have the ZDLRA create the master encryption for the ZDLRA in the wallet.

Creating Cloud Objects for Copy-to-Cloud

These steps create the cloud objects necessary to send backups to a cloud location.

NOTE: If you are configuring multiple cloud locations, you may go through these steps for each location.

Configure public/private key credentials

Authentication with the object storage is done using an X.509 certificate.  The ZDLRA steps outlined in the documentation will generate a new pair of API signing keys and register the new set of keys.
You can also use any set of API keys that you previously generated by putting your private key in the shared location on the ZDLRA nodes..
In OCI each user can only have 3 sets of API keys, but the ZFSSA has no restrictions on the number of API signing keys that can be created.
Each "cloud_key" represents an API signing key pair, and each cloud_key contains 
  1. pvt_key_path - Shared location on the ZDLRA where the private key is located
  2. fingerprint      - fingerprint associated with the private key to identify which key to use.
You can use the same "cloud_key" to authenticate to multiple buckets, and even different cloud locations.

Documentation steps to create new key pair

#1 Add Cloud_key

racli add cloud_key --key_name=sample_key

Tue Jun 18 13:22:07 2019: Using log file /opt/oracle.RecoveryAppliance/log/racli.log
Tue Jun 18 13:22:07 2019: Start: Add Cloud Key sample_key
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019: Start: Creating New Keys
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019: Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Install Tool, build
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019: OCI API signing keys are created:
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019:   PRIVATE KEY --> /raacfs/raadmin/cloud/key/sample_key/oci_pvt
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019:   PUBLIC  KEY --> /raacfs/raadmin/cloud/key/sample_key/oci_pub
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019: Please upload the public key in the OCI console.
Tue Jun 18 13:22:08 2019: End: Creating New Keys
Tue Jun 18 13:22:09 2019: End: Add Cloud Key sample_key

This step is used to generate a new set of API signing keys,
The output of this step is a shared set of files on the ZLDRA which are stored in:

In order to complete the cloud_key information, you need to add the public key to OCI, or to the ZFS and save the fingerprint that is associated with the public key. The fingerprint is used in the next step.

#2 racli alter cloud_key

racli alter cloud_key --key_name=sample_key --fingerprint=12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:90:ab:cd:ef

The fingerprint that is associated with the public key (from the previous step) is added to the ZDLRA cloud_key information so that it can be used for authentication.  
Both the private key, and the fingerprint are need to use the API signing key for credentials.

Using your own API signing key pair

#1 Add cloud_key

racli add cloud_key --key_name=KEY_NAME [--fingerprint=PUBFINGERPRINT --pvt_key_path=PVTKEYFILE]

You can add your own API signing keys to the ZDLRA by  using the "add cloud_key" command identifying both the private key file location (it is best to follow the format and location in the automated steps) and the fingerprint associated with the API signing keys.
It is assumed that the public key has already been added to OCI, or to the ZFSSA.

Status        - racli list cloud_key
Delete        - racli remove cloud_key
Update       - racli alter cloud_key

Documentation steps to create a new cloud_user 

This step is used to create the wallet entry on the ZDLRA that is used for authenticating to the object store.
This step combines the "cloud_key", which contains the API signing keys, the user login information and the compartment (on ZFSSA the compartment is the share ).
The cloud_user can be used for authentication with multiple buckets/locations that are identified as cloud_locations as long as they are within the same compartment (share on ZFSSA).

The format of the command to create a new cloud_user is below

racli add cloud_user 

The parameters for this command are

  • user_name        - This is the username that is associated with the cloud_user to unique identify it.
  • key_name         - This is name of the "cloud_key" identifying the API signing keys to be used.
  • user_ocid          - This is the Username for authentication. In OCI this is the users OCID, in ZFS, this combines the ocid format with the username on the ZFSSA that owns the share.
  • tenancy_ocid    - this is the tenancy OCID in OCI, on ZFSSA it is ignored
  • compartment_ocid - this is the OCID, on ZFSSA it is the share
For more information on configuring the ZFSSA see
How to configure Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance to use ZFS OCI Object Storage as a cloud repository (Doc ID 2761114.1)

List                - racli list  cloud_user
Delete            - racli remove  cloud_user
Update           - racli alter cloud_user

Documentation steps to create a new cloud_location 

This step is used to associate the cloud_user (used for authentication) with both the location and the bucket that is going to be used for backups.

racli add cloud_location
--archive_after_backup=<number>:[YEARS | DAYS]


I am going to go through the key items that need to be entered here.  I am going to skip over the PROXY information and certificate.

  • cloud_user - This is the object store authentication information that was created in the previous steps.
  • host - This the URL for the object storage location. On ZFS the namespace in the URL is the "share"
  • bucket - This is the bucket where the backups will be sent. The bucket will be created if it doesn't exists. 
  • streams - The maximum number of channels to use when sending backups to the cloud
  • enable_archive - Not used with ZFS. With OCI the default TRUE allows you to set an archival strategy, FALSE will automatically put backups in archival storage.
  • archive_after_restore - Not used with ZFS. Automatically configures an archival strategy in OCI
  • retain_after_restore - Not used with ZFS. Sets the period of time that backups will remain in standard storage before returning to archival storage.
  • immutable - This allows you to set retention rules on the bucket by using the <metadata_bucket> for temporary files that need to be deleted after the backup. When using immutable you must also have a temp_metadata_bucket
  • temp_metadata_bucket - This is used with immutable to configure backups to go to 2 buckets, and this bucket will only contain a temporary object that gets deleted after the backup completes.
This command will create multiple attribute sets (between 1 and the number of streams) for the cloud_location that can be used for sending archival backups to the cloud with different numbers of channels.
The format of <copy_cloud_name> is a combination of  <bucket name> and <cloud_user>.
The format of the attributes used for the copy jobs is <Cloud_location_name>_<stream number>

Update          - racli alter cloud_location
Disable          - racli disable cloud_location  - This will pause all backups going to this location
Enable           - racli enable cloud_location  - This unpauses all backups going to this location
List                - racli list  cloud_location
Delete            - racli remove cloud_location

NOTE: There are quite a few items to note in this section.
  • When configuring backups to go to ZFSSA use the documentation previously mentioned to ensure the parameters are correct.
  • When executing this step with ZFSSA, make sure that the default OCI location on the ZFSSA is set to the share that you are currently configuring. If you are using multiple shares for buckets, then you will have to change the ZFSSA settings as you add cloud locations.
  • When using OCI for archival ensure that you configure the archival rules using this command. This ensures that the metadata objects, which can't be archived are excluded as part of the lifecycle management rules created during this step.

Create the job template using the documentation.

Monday, July 24, 2023

RMAN - Create weekly archival backup from weekly full backups

 This blog post demonstrates a process to create KEEP archival backups dynamically by using backups pieces within a  weekly full/daily incremental backup strategy.  

Thanks to Battula Surya Shiva Prasad and Kameswara RaoIndrakanti for coming up process of doing this.

KEEP backups

First let's go through what keep a keep backup is and how it affects your backup strategy.

  1. A KEEP backup is a self-contained backupset.  The archive logs needed to de-fuzzy the database files are automatically included in the backupset.  
  2. The archive logs included in the backup are only the archive logs needed to de-fuzzy.
  3. The backup pieces in the KEEP backup (both datafile backups and included archive log pieces) are ignored in the normal incremental backup strategy, and in any log sweeps.
  4. When a recovery window is set in RMAN, KEEP backup pieces are ignored in any "Delete Obsolete" processing.
  5. KEEP backup pieces, once past the "until time" are removed using the "Delete expired" command.

Normal  process to create an archival KEEP backup.

  • Perform a weekly full backup and a daily incremental backup that are deleted using an RMAN recovery window.
  • Perform archive log backups with the full/incremental backups along with log sweeps. These are also deleted using the an RMAN recovery window.
  • One of these processes are used to create an archival KEEP backup.
    • A separate full KEEP backup is performed along with the normal weekly full backup
    • The weekly full backup (and archive logs based on tag) are copied to tape with "backup as backupset" and marked as "KEEP" backup pieces.

Issues with this process

  • The process of copying the full backup to tape using "backup as backupset" requires 2 copies of the same backup for a period of time.  You don't want to wait until the end of retention to copy it to tape.
  • If the KEEP full backups are stored on disk, along with the weekly full backups you cannot use the backup as backupset, you must perform a  second, separate backup.

Proposal to create a weekly KEEP backup

Problems with simple solution

The basic idea is that you perform a weekly full backup, along with daily incremental backups that are kept for 30 days. After the 30 day retention, just the full backups (along with archive logs to defuzzy) are kept for an additional 30 days.

The most obvious way to do this is to

  •  Set the RMAN retention 30 days
  • Create a weekly full backup that is a KEEP backup with an until time of 60 days in the future.
  • Create a daily incremental backup that NOT a keep backup.
  • Create archive backups as normal.
  • Allow delete obsolete to remove the "non-KEEP" backups after 30 days.
Unfortunately when you create an incremental backups, and there is only KEEP backups proceeding it, the incremental Level 1 backup is forced into an incremental level 0 backups.  And with delete obsolete, if you look through MOS note "RMAN Archival (KEEP) backups and Retention Policy (Doc ID 986382.1)" you find that the incremental backups and archive logs are kept for 60 days because there is no proceeding non-KEEP backup.


The solution is to use tags, mark the weekly full as a keep after a week, and use the "delete backups completed before tag='xx'" command.

Weekly full backup scripts

   backup archivelog all filesperset=20  tag ARCHIVE_ONLY delete input;
   change backup tag='INC_LEVEL_0'  keep until time 'sysdate+53';
   backup incremental level 0 database tag='INC_LEVEL_0' filesperset=20  plus archivelog filesperset=20 tag='INC_LEVEL_0';

  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-61' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_0';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-31' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_1';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-31' tag= 'ARCHIVE_ONLY';

Daily Incremental backup scripts

  backup incremental level 1 database tag='INC_LEVEL_1'  filesperset=20 plus archivelog filesperset=20 tag='INC_LEVEL_1';

Archive log sweep backup scripts

  backup archivelog all tag='ARCHIVE_ONLY' delete input;


I then took these scripts, and built an example using a 7 day recovery window.  My full backup commands are below.
   backup archivelog all filesperset=20  tag ARCHIVE_ONLY delete input;
   change backup tag='INC_LEVEL_0'  keep until time 'sysdate+30';
   backup incremental level 0 database tag='INC_LEVEL_0' filesperset=20  plus archivelog filesperset=20 tag='INC_LEVEL_0';

  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-30' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_0';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-8' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_1';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-8' tag= 'ARCHIVE_ONLY';

First I am going to perform a weekly backup and incremental backups for 7 days to see how the settings affect the backup pieces in RMAN.

for Datafile #1.

 File# Checkpoint Time   Incr level Incr chg# Chkp chg# Incremental Typ Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
------ ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
     3 06-01-23 00:00:06          0         0   3334337 FULL            NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-02-23 00:00:03          1   3334337   3334513 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-03-23 00:00:03          1   3334513   3334665 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-04-23 00:00:03          1   3334665   3334805 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-05-23 00:00:03          1   3334805   3334949 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-06-23 00:00:03          1   3334949   3335094 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-07-23 00:00:03          1   3335094   3335234 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1

for  archive logs

Sequence# First chg# Next chg# Create Time       Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
      625    3333260   3334274 15-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      626    3334274   3334321 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      627    3334321   3334375 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      628    3334375   3334440 01-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      629    3334440   3334490 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      630    3334490   3334545 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      631    3334545   3334584 02-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      632    3334584   3334633 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      633    3334633   3334695 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      634    3334695   3334733 03-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      635    3334733   3334782 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      636    3334782   3334839 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      637    3334839   3334876 04-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      638    3334876   3334926 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      639    3334926   3334984 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      640    3334984   3335023 05-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      641    3335023   3335072 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      642    3335072   3335124 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      643    3335124   3335162 06-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      644    3335162   3335211 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      645    3335211   3335273 07-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      646    3335273   3335311 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY

Next I'm going to execute the weekly full backup script that changes the last backup to a keep backup to see how the settings affect the backup pieces in RMAN.

for Datafile #1.
 File# Checkpoint Time   Incr level Incr chg# Chkp chg# Incremental Typ Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
------ ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
     3 06-01-23 00:00:06          0         0   3334337 FULL            YES  08-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-02-23 00:00:03          1   3334337   3334513 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-03-23 00:00:03          1   3334513   3334665 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-04-23 00:00:03          1   3334665   3334805 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-05-23 00:00:03          1   3334805   3334949 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-06-23 00:00:03          1   3334949   3335094 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-07-23 00:00:03          1   3335094   3335234 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-08-23 00:00:07          0         0   3335715 FULL            NO                              INC_LEVEL_0

for archive logs

Sequence# First chg# Next chg# Create Time       Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
      625    3333260   3334274 15-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      626    3334274   3334321 01-JUN-23         YES  08-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      627    3334321   3334375 01-JUN-23         YES  08-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      628    3334375   3334440 01-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      629    3334440   3334490 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      630    3334490   3334545 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      631    3334545   3334584 02-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      632    3334584   3334633 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      633    3334633   3334695 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      634    3334695   3334733 03-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      635    3334733   3334782 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      636    3334782   3334839 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      637    3334839   3334876 04-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      638    3334876   3334926 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      639    3334926   3334984 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      640    3334984   3335023 05-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      641    3335023   3335072 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      642    3335072   3335124 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      643    3335124   3335162 06-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      644    3335162   3335211 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      645    3335211   3335273 07-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      646    3335273   3335311 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      647    3335311   3335652 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      648    3335652   3335699 08-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      649    3335699   3335760 08-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      650    3335760   3335833 08-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY

Finally I'm going to execute the weekly full backup script that changes the last backup to a keep backup and this time it will delete the older backup pieces to see how the settings affect the backup pieces in RMAN.

for Datafile #1.

File# Checkpoint Time   Incr level Incr chg# Chkp chg# Incremental Typ Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
------ ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
     3 06-01-23 00:00:06          0         0   3334337 FULL            YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-08-23 00:00:07          0         0   3335715 FULL            YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-09-23 00:00:03          1   3335715   3336009 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-10-23 00:00:03          1   3336009   3336183 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-11-23 00:00:03          1   3336183   3336330 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-12-23 00:00:03          1   3336330   3336470 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-13-23 00:00:03          1   3336470   3336617 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-14-23 00:00:04          1   3336617   3336757 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-15-23 00:00:07          0         0   3336969 FULL            NO                              INC_LEVEL_0

for archive logs

Sequence# First chg# Next chg# Create Time       Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
      626    3334274   3334321 01-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      627    3334321   3334375 01-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      647    3335311   3335652 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      648    3335652   3335699 08-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      649    3335699   3335760 08-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      650    3335760   3335833 08-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      651    3335833   3335986 08-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      652    3335986   3336065 09-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      653    3336065   3336111 09-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      654    3336111   3336160 09-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      655    3336160   3336219 10-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      656    3336219   3336258 10-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      657    3336258   3336307 10-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      658    3336307   3336359 11-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      659    3336359   3336397 11-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      660    3336397   3336447 11-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      661    3336447   3336506 12-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      662    3336506   3336544 12-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      663    3336544   3336594 12-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      664    3336594   3336639 13-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      665    3336639   3336677 13-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      666    3336677   3336734 13-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      667    3336734   3336819 14-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      668    3336819   3336857 14-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      669    3336857   3336906 14-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      670    3336906   3336953 15-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      671    3336953   3337041 15-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      672    3337041   3337113 15-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY


For my datafiles, I still have the weekly full backup, and it is a keep backup. For my archive logs, I still have the archive logs that were part of the full backup which are needed to de-fuzzy my backup.

Restore Test

Now for the final test using the next chg# on the June 1st archive logs 3334375;

RMAN> restore database until scn=3334375;

Starting restore at 15-JUN-23
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=259 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/ocidb/backups/da1tiok6_1450_1_1 tag=INC_LEVEL_0
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/ocidb/backups/db1tiola_1451_1_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/ocidb/backups/db1tiola_1451_1_1 tag=INC_LEVEL_0
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1

RMAN> recover database until scn=3334375;
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=627
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/ocidb/backups/dd1tiom8_1453_1_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/ocidb/backups/dd1tiom8_1453_1_1 tag=INC_LEVEL_0
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
archived log file name=/u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/dbs/arch1_627_1142178912.dbf thread=1 sequence=627
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00
Finished recover at 15-JUN-23
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;

Statement processed

Success !

Monday, June 5, 2023

Autotuned_reserved_space is a new feature on the ZDLRA that you should be using

 Autotuned_reserved_space is a new policy setting that got released with 21.1 and you should be using it. When I talk to customers about how to manage databases on a ZDLRA, the biggest confusion comes in when I talk about reserved space.  Reserved space needs to be understood, and properly managed. This new feature in 21.1 allows the ZDLRA to handle the reserved space for you, and I explain how to use it in this blog post.  First let's go through space usage, and reserved space in general.

space usage ZDLRA

Space usage on the ZDLRA. 

Recovery Window goal (which drives the space utilization)

The recovery window goal is set at the policy level, and this value (in days) is the number of days that you want to keep as a recovery window for all databases that are a member of this policy.  This will drive the space utilization.

Total space

The ZDLRA comes with all the space pre-allocated.  When you are looking at OEM, or in the SAR report you will see the total space listed. You want to make sure that you have enough space for your database backups and any incoming new backups.

Used Space

When the ZDLRA purges backups beyond the the Recovery Window Goal that you set, if does a bulk purge of backups.  This can be controlled by setting the maximum disk backup retention in days (which defaults to 1.5 times the recovery window goal).  Because of the bulk purge, more space is shown as used than is needed to support your recovery window goal.

Recovery Window Space

This is the amount space that is needed to support the recovery window goal.  Because, of the bulk purge, the recovery window space is less than the used space.

Reserved space

In order to control what happens with space, the concept of reserved space is used.  When a database is added to the ZLDRA, the reserved space value is set for this database.  This value should be updated regularly to ensure that there is enough space for the database backups to be stored.

The important things to know about reserved space are:
  • The sum of all the reserved space cannot be greater than the total space available on the ZDLRA.
  • When adding a new database, it's reserved space must fit within the unreserved space.
  • When a new database is added, the reserved space must be set to least the size of the database, and defaults to 2.5 times the size of the database.
  • The reserved space for a database needs to be at least the size of the largest datafile.
  • The reserved space should be larger than the amount of space needed to support the recovery window goal space for the database.  For databases with fluctuation, you need to reserve space for the peak usage. 
The reserved space serves two purposes when properly set
  1. It can be used to determine how much space is available for new database backups.
  2. If the ZDLRA determines that it does not have enough space to support the recovery window goal of the supported databases, space is reclaimed from databases whose reserved space is too small.
It is critical to keep the reserved space updated, and many customers have used an automated process to set the reserved space to "recovery window space needed" + 10%

Unfortunately configuring an automated process for all databases does not take into account any fluctuations in usage.  Let's say I have a database which is much busier at months end, I want to make that sure my reserved space is not adjusted down to the low value, I want it to stay adjusted based on the highest space usage value.


This where autotuned reserved space can help you manage the reserved space.  This setting is controlled at the policy level.  


This value is set at the protection policy level and contains either "YES" or "NO", and defaults to "NO". "YES" will allow the ZDLRA to manage reserved space automatically for all databases (whose disk_reserved_space is not set) and are a member of this policy.


This value is also set at the protection policy level.  This value is optional for autotuned_reserved_space, but if set, it will control the maximum amount of reserved space that can be set for an individual database in the protection policy. 


This value is set at the storage level for ALL databases. This sets a reserved space usage limit, where autotuning can slow down large reserved space increases. When reached, autotune will limit databases from increasing their reserved space growth to 10% per week.  This value is optional and will default to the total space if not set.  


  • autotuned_reserved_space - Enables autotuning of space within a protection policy
  • max_reserved_space - Controls the maximum reserved space of databases in a protection policy
  • autotune_space_limit - Slows the reserved space growth when a specified space limit is reached.

What does autotune reserved space do ?

  • On a regular basis, if needed, the reserved space for each autotune controlled database is adjusted to reserve space for the recovery window goal, and incoming backups.
  • If the database has a disk_reserved_space set, autotuning will not be used for this database.  It is assumed that the disk_reserved_space will be set manually for this database

Autotune  will replace the need for the ZDLRA admin to constantly update the reserved space for each database, as it's space needs change over time. It will also allow them to configure a constant reserved space for databases with fluctuating storage usage.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

ZDLRA Validation is your best protection against Ransomware

 Validation of Oracle backups on ZDLRA is often one the most overlooked features of the product. With the rise of ransomware, the question "how to I ensure that I have validated Oracle backups" is critical.

I know there are a lot of vendors out there that provide a great solution for most generic backups. But, as you probably know, Oracle Database backups are different from other system backups and they provide unique challenges which include

  • The backup of a large database consists of 100s, if not 1000s of backup pieces. All of which are necessary to successfully restore the database.
  • Oracle Database backups won't contain "ransomware signatures" or any easy way of determining if the backup pieces are tainted.
  • Oracle Database backups are in a proprietary format that can only be validated by performing a "restore validate" which reads, and validates  the contents of Oracle database backup pieces.

How ZDLRA provides superior validation

Backups land on flash during ingest

When backup pieces are sent to the ZDLRA during backup, they land on Flash Storage and are quarantined  within the ZDLRA waiting to be validated.  

Backup pieces are validated

The ZDLRA will then examine arriving backup pieces.  The internal metadata is read and the contents of the backup pieces are validated block-by-block.  This ensures that before storing the backup pieces, they are confirmed to be Oracle Database backup pieces, containing valid Oracle Blocks.

 Backup pieces are stored and virtual full created

Once the backup piece is examined, and the metadata is read, the individual validated blocks are stored on disk compressed.  The blocks are indexed, and a virtual full backup is built.  The final step in the process is to update the RMAN catalog on the ZDLRA with an entry pointing to the virtual full.

Weekly validation for both block content, and restore continuity

On a weekly basis all backups on the ZDLRA undergo a "restore validate" which will validate that all the backup pieces are valid, usable backup pieces. This is critical with an "incremental forever" strategy to ensure that unchanged blocks are valid.  Along with checking for the integrity of the backup piece, the ZDLRA also checks for "Restore Continuity". I know this a term I made up. The idea is that whatever time/SCN you choose within the recovery window, the ZDLRA ensures that ALL backup pieces needed to recover are available.  This is similar to performing a "restore preview" of all time periods to ensure that all backup pieces are available for recovery.

Validation during replication

Replication of backup pieces from one ZDLRA to another takes this process one step further.
Along with all the same validation that  occurs when the ZDLRA receives backups from databases,  the upstream ZDLRA also catalogs the replicated copy of the backup pieces.

ZDLRA in a Cyber vault

This is where all the pieces come together. The ZDLRA not only utilizes it's validated, incremental forever strategy to keep replication traffic to a minimum, but it also ensures that backups pieces are validated PRIOR to cataloging them.

The ZDLRA has a number of advantages in a Cyber vault scenario
  • Replication traffic is much smaller than most solutions which require a Weekly Full backup. The ZDLRA uses incremental forever.
  • Backup pieces are quarantined after arrival in the vault to ensure tainted backups are not included in restore plans. This process is similar to what other vendors do to check for ransomware. The ZDLRA goes one step further by using the proprietary knowledge of Oracle Blocks to ensure all backup, and blocks within the backups are valid.
  • Backups stored within the ZDLRA in the vault are validated on a weekly basis for both content, and continuity to ensure a restore will be successful.
  • The upstream sending the backup pieces catalogs what backups are in the vault, and can resend any backup pieces if necessary.

I hope this helps you understand better why the ZDLRA provides superior ransomware protection.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

ZDLRA real-time redo demonstrated

 One of the key features of the ZDLRA is the ability to capture changes from the database "real-time" just like a standby database does. In this blog post I am going to demonstrate what is happening during this process so that you can get a better understanding of how it works.

ZDLRA Real-time Redo

If you look at the GIF above, I will explain what is happening, and show what happens with a demo of the process.

The ZDLRA uses the same process as a standby database.  In fact if you look at the flow of the real-time redo you will notice the redo blocks are sent to BOTH the local redo log files, AND to the staging area on the ZDLRA.  The staging area on the ZDLRA acts just like a standby redo does on a standby database.

As the ZDLRA receives the REDO blocks from the protected database they are validated to ensure that they are valid Oracle Redo block information.  This ensures that a man-in-the-middle attack does not change any of the backup information.  The validation process also assures that if the database is attacked by ransomware (changing blocks), the redo received is not tainted.

The next thing that happens during the process is the logic when a LOG SWITCH occurs.  As we all know, when a log switch occurs on a database instance, the contents of the redo log are written to an archive log.  With real-time redo, this causes the contents of the redo staging area on the ZDLRA (picture a standby redo log) to become a backup set of an archive log.  The RMAN catalog on the ZDLRA is then updated with the internal location of the backup set.

Log switch operation

I am going to go through a demo of what you see happen when this process occurs.

ZDLRA is configured as a redo destination

Below you can see that my database has a "Log archive destination" 3 configured.  The destination itself is the database on the ZDLRA (zdl9), and also notice that the log information will be sent for ALL_ROLES, which will send the log information regardless if it is a primary database or a standby database.
Archive Dest

List backup of recent archive logs from RMAN catalog

Before I demonstrate what happens with the RMAN catalog, I am going to list out the current archive log backup. Below you see that the current archive log backed up to the ZDLRA has the "SEQUENCE #10".

archive log backups prior

Perform a log switch

As you see in the animation at the top of the post, when a log switch occurs, the contents of the redo log in the "redo staging area" are used to create an archive log backup that is stored and cataloged.  I am going to perform a log switch to force this process.

Log switch

List backup of archive logs from RMAN catalog

Now that the log switch occurred, you can see below that there is a new backup set created from the redo staging area.
There are a couple of interesting items to note when you look at the backup set created.

archive logs after

  1. The backup of the archive log is compressed.  As part of the policy on the ZDLRA you have the option to have the backup of the archive log compressed when it is created from the "staged redo". This does NOT require the ACO (Advanced Compression) license. The compressed archive log will be sent back to the DB compressed during a restore operation, and the DB host will uncompress it.  This is the default option (standard compression) and I recommend changing it.  If you decide to compress, then MEDIUM or Low is recommended. Keep this in mind that he this may put more workload on the client to uncompress  the backup sets which may affect recovery times.  NOTE: When using TDE, there will be little to no compression possible.
  2. The TAG is automatically generated. By looking at the timestamp in the RMAN catalog information, you can see that the TAG is automatically generated using the timestamp to make it unique.
  3. The handle begins with "$RSCN_", this is because the backup piece was generated by the ZDLRA itself, and archivelog backup sets will begin with these characters.

Restore and Recovery using partial log information

Now I am going to demonstrate what happens when the database crashes, and there is no time for the database to perform a log switch.

List the active redo log and current SCN

Below you can see that my currently active redo log is sequence # 12.  This is where I am going to begin my test.

begin test

Create a table 

To demonstrate what happens when the database crashes I am going to create a new table. In the table I am going to store the current date, and the current SCN. Using the current SCN we will be able to determine the redo log that contains the table creation.

table create

Abort the database

As you probably know, if I shut down the database gracefully, the DB will automatically clean out the redo logs and archive it's contents. Because I want to demonstrate what happens with crash I am going to shut the database down with an ABORT to ensure the log switch doesn't occur.  Then start the database mount so I can look at the current redo log information


Verify that the log switch did not occur

Next I am going to look at the REDO Log information and verify that my table creation (SCN 32908369) is still in the active redo log and did not get archived during the shutdown.

Log switch doesn't occur

Restore the database

Next I am going to restore the database from backup.


Recover the database

This is where the magic occurs so I am going to show that happens step by step.

Recover using archive logs on disk

The first step the database does is to use the current archive logs to recover the database. You can see in the screenshot below that the database recovers the database using archive logs on disk up to sequence #11 for thread 1.  This contains all the changes for this thread, but does not include what is in the REDO log sequence #12.  Sequence #12 contains the create table we are interested in.

archives on disk

Recover using partial redo log

This step is where the magic of the ZDLRA occurs.  You can see from the screen shot below that the RMAN catalog on the ZDLRA returns the redo log information for Sequence #12 even though it was never archived. The ZDLRA was able to create an archive log backup from the partial contents it had in the Redo Staging area.

rtr recovery

Open the database and display table contents.

This is where it all comes together.  Using the partial redo log information from Redo Log sequence #12, you can see that when the database is opened, the table creation transaction is indeed in the database even though the redo did not become an archive log.

Conclusion : I am hoping this post gives you a better idea of how Real-time redo works on the ZDLRA, and how it handles recovering transactions after a database crash