If you have been wondering why I've spent so much time blogging about how to configure ZFS as an object store, today is the day you get the answer.
Today MOS note 2748362.1 - How To Setup And Use DBMS_CLOUD Package was published.
You are probably saying, "so what?, 21c supports DBMS_CLOUD, and that's a long way off for me"..
This note goes through the steps to configure DBMS_CLOUD for 19c. Yes. it's backported !
NOTE: it is only supported for multitenant
If you were very astute, you might have noticed that the 19.9 release of the software contained scripts in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory with names like dbms_cloud.sql.
Well today, this published notes explains how to install DBMS_CLOUD packages so that you can use it with your 19.9 + database.
I'm going to take this a step further, and show you how to use these scripts and connect the ZFS appliance. Keep in mind, there is a ZFS simulator you can use, and do the same steps.
Here is some information on how to do this if you don't know where to start
Configuring ZFS as an object store
Step 1. Install DBMS_CLOUD in the CDB
I am going through the MOS, and I am following the same series of steps. Creating a script in my /home/oracle/dbc directory, so that I can run this again for all my databases.
Just as in the note, I ran a perl script, and looked at the logs. Everything was successful.
I then ran the 2 queries. First against the CDB, then against the PDB.
So far so good.
Step 2 Create SSL Wallet with Certificates.
The next step is to create a wallet, and download the certificates using the link. The certificates come in a zip file containing all 3 certificates.
These are the Certificate Authorities that will be used to authenticate the SSL certificates. DBMS_CLOUD uses HTTPS, and requires that a valid certificate is used.
ZFS NOTE BEGIN : *************************************
At this point there is an additional step for using ZFS (or your own object store). You need to add the certificate to the wallet if it is a self-signed certificate (which is what ZFS will use normally).
In order to get the certificate you need to display it with the following command (filling in your IP address).
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect
From the output I want to grab the certificate which is between the BEGIN and END
uM6RxG2XAIH82blU+A==-----END CERTIFICATE-----Once I put it in a file, I perform the same command to load these certificates from my file.
ZFS NOTE END : *****************************************
Once added I display what is in the wallet.
orapki wallet display -wallet .
Oracle PKI Tool Release - Production
Copyright (c) 2004, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Requested Certificates:
User Certificates:
Trusted Certificates:
Subject: CN=DigiCert Global Root CA,OU=www.digicert.com,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US
Subject: CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root,OU=CyberTrust,O=Baltimore,C=IE
Subject: CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5,OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign\, Inc. - For authorized use only,OU=VeriSign Trust Network,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
You can see that it captured the server names of the ZFS ports I am using.
Step 3 Configure the Oracle environment for the Wallet.
I followed the next set of instructions to update the sqlnet.ora file with the location of wallet.
A few items to note on this step
- I am in a RAC environment so I need to make the change to ALL nodes in my RAC cluster, and I also need to copy the wallet to the nodes in the same location on all hosts.
- The WALLET_LOCATION is also used by ZDLRA. if you are using a ZDLRA for backups, you need add the certificates to wallet that is used by the ZDLRA.
- If you using Single Sign On which may use the WALLET_LOCATION, be especially careful since they often default to $ORACLE_BASE, but will get over ridden when this is set.
I completed these steps, and I now have the same sqlnet.ora file on all nodes, and my wallet is on all nodes in the same location under $ORACLE_BASE.
Step 4 Configure the Database with ACEs for DBMS_CLOUD.
The next step is to create Access Control Entries (ACEs) to allow communication. This only needs to be in CDB$ROOT.
I stored the script in a file and changed the script in 2 ways
- define sslwalletdir= {my wallet locatioin} --> I set this.
- I removed all lines around proxy. I didn't need a proxy since I am only using a ZFS internal to my datacenter.
I verified with the query and it returned the location of SSL_WALLET.
Step 5 Verify the configuration of the DBMS_CLOUD
I put the script in a file and made a few changes.
- wallet_path => {my wallet path}
- wallet_password => {my wallet password}
- get_page('https://zs7-2cap-200f-vm02.bgrenn.com') --> I put in the URL for my first ZFS network name (from the certificate) followed by the second name from the certificate.
I got a "valid response" backup..
I can also check the ACLs with the script below
SELECT host, lower_port, upper_port, acl
FROM dba_network_acls;
Step 6 Configure users or roles to use DBMS_CLOUD
I changed the script to use my username which I created in my PDB to create tables etc. and utilize DBMS_CLOUD, and ran it in my pdb.
I took the second script, removed the proxy information , entered the wallet path and executed in my PDB.
Step 6 Configure users or roles to use DBMS_CLOUD
I changed the script and added my username in my PDB.
Step 7 Configure ACEs for a user role to use DBMS_CLOUD
Again I removed the proxy information since there was no proxy. I also entered the SSL_wallet directory.
Step 8 Configure the credential for OCI (or S3 if you prefer).
Using the create credential and the parameters I have pointed out in previous posts.
I create a credential to point to my OCI bucket on ZFS.
USER_OCID => 'ocid1.user.oc1..oracle', -
TENANCY_OCID => 'ocid1.tenancy.oc1..nobody', -
PRIVATE_KEY => 'MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAnLe/u2YjNVac5z1j/Ce7YRSd6wpwaK8elS+TxucaLz32jUaDCUfMbzfSBP0WK00uxbdnRdUAss1F1sRUm+GqyEEvT2c1LRJ0FnfSFEXrJnDZfEVe/dFi90fctbx4BUSqRroh0RQbQyk24710zO2C3tev66eHEvfxxXGUqI+jrDKOJ7sFdGE42R9uRhhWxaWS4e43OEZk41gq2ykdVFlNp...mXU6w6blGpxWkzfPMJKuOhXYoEXM41uxykDX3nq/wPWxKJ7TnShGLyiFMWiuuQF+s29AbwtlAkQRcHnnkvDFHwE=', -
FINGERPRINT => '1e:6e:0e:79:38:f5:08:ee:7d:87:86:01:13:54:46:c6');
Note the parameters for ZFS
- CREDENTIAL_NAME - Name of the credential
- USER_OCID - 'ocid1.user.oci..' || {ZFS user id}
- TENANCY_ID - 'ocid1.tenancy.oci1..nobody' - hardocded in
- PRIVATE_KEY - Private key matching the public key on the ZFS
- FINGERPRINT - fingerprint for the public key on the ZFS.
Step 9 Load raw data to the object store.
First I am going to open a file, and put some data into it.. Upload the file to my OCI bucket and then create an external table on it.
Below is the input file.
16TS$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
20ICOL$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
8C_FILE#_BLOCK# CLUSTER 1904172019041720190417VALID
37I_OBJ2 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
22USER$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
33I_TAB1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
40I_OBJ5 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
31CDEF$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
41I_IND1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
3I_OBJ# INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
6C_TS# CLUSTER 1904172019041720190417VALID
51I_CON1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
34I_UNDO1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
11I_USER# INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
29C_COBJ# CLUSTER 1904172019041720190417VALID
49I_COL2 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
32CCOL$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
14SEG$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
23PROXY_DATA$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
44I_FILE2 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
46I_USER1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
56I_CDEF4 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
21COL$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
47I_USER2 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
26I_PROXY_ROLE_DATA$_1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
18OBJ$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
42I_ICOL1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
19IND$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
39I_OBJ4 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
59BOOTSTRAP$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
36I_OBJ1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
15UNDO$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
10C_USER# CLUSTER 1904172019041720190417VALID
4TAB$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
2C_OBJ# CLUSTER 1904172019041720190417VALID
28CON$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
5CLU$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
27I_PROXY_ROLE_DATA$_2 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
24I_PROXY_DATA$ INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
45I_TS1 INDEX 1904172019041720190417VALID
13UET$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
12FET$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
17FILE$ TABLE 1904172019041720190417VALID
I created a file locally (/tmp/objects.csv), created a bucket (using the OCI CLI tool) and uploaded the file.
Create the bucket on zfs
oci os bucket create --endpoint http://zs7-2cap-200f-vm02.bgrenn.com/oci --namespace-name export/objectstoreoci --compartment-id export/objectstoreoci --name bucketoci
And copy my file to my bucket.
oci os object put --endpoint http://zs7-2cap-200f-vm02.bgrenn.com/oci ---namespace-name export/objectstoreoci --bucket-name bucketoci - --file /tmp/objects.csv --name objects.csv
Step 10 Create an external table on the object.
Now we have the file in the bucket we are ready to create the external table.
ZFS NOTE BEGIN : ***************************************
There is an additional step to access the ZFS. There is a table owned by C##CLOUD$SERVICE which contains the objects store that can be accessed, and how to authenticated. By looking at the current entries you can see the types for OCI and S3.
until I do this you will an error like this..
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20006: Unsupported object store URI -
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD", line 917
ORA-06512: at "C##CLOUD$SERVICE.DBMS_CLOUD", line 2411
ORA-06512: at line 1
Here is the table that we need to change. You can see that it contains
- CLOUD_TYPE - authentication to use
- BASE_URI_PATTERN - URI pattern to identify and allow
- VERSION - This is used if different authentication versions exist for an object store
- STATUS - Not sure, but they are all '1'
desc C##CLOUD$SERVICE.dbms_cloud_store;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
I add a row to this table for my object store. ORACLE_BMC is the OCI authentication
SQL> insert into C##CLOUD$SERVICE.dbms_cloud_store values ('ORACLE_BMC','%.bgrenn.com',null,1);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
ZFS NOTE END : *****************************************
We are ready, now let's create the table and give it a go !!
Create the external table on the object
table_name =>'CHANNELS_EXT_ZFS', -
credential_name =>'ZFS', -
file_uri_list =>'https://zs7-2cap-200f-vm01.bgrenn.com/oci/n/export/objectstoreoci/b/bucketoci/o/objects.csv', -
format => json_object('trimspaces' value 'rtrim', 'skipheaders' value '1', 'dateformat' value 'YYYYMMDD'), -
field_list => 'object_id (1:10) char' || -
', object_name (11:40) char' || -
', object_type (41:65) char' || -
', created_date1 (66:71) date mask "YYMMDD"' || -
', created_date2 (72:79) date' || -
', last_ddl_time (80:87) date' || -
', status (88:97)', -
column_list => 'object_id number' || -
', object_name varchar2(30)' || -
', object_type varchar2(25)' || -
', status varchar2(10)' || -
', created_date1 date' || -
', created_date2 date' || -
', last_ddl_time date');
Select from the table.
---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- ----------
--------- --------- ---------
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That's all there is to it.
Enjoy !