Oracle offers many methods to authenticate users, and often it becomes difficult to determine how to combine multiple methods.
In this blog I will talk about how to combine 2 commonly used methods.
SEPS uses a wallet to store default credentials for connecting to a database. The wallet can be used as the central location for username/password information when connecting from a system/application. Using the wallet credentials in scripts etc, keeps the credentials secure, and makes it easier to periodically update the password to follow security rules.
There is also a second parameter WALLET_OVERRIDE that must also be set to true. This parameter determines if SEPS security is used for this database.
SQLNET.ORA entries
WALLET_LOCATION= < Location of wallet on OS >
****** Note that the many databases can share the same wallet if they each point to the same sqlnet.ora file. *****
Below is an example of how to add an entry into the wallet.
1) db_connect_string - The connect string for the database that you wish to add. This can be either an entry in the tnsnames.ora file OR EZCONNECT
2) username - This is the user that you wish to connect to the database with
3) password - This is the current password for the user
The wallet is encrypted to obscure the password and permissions should limit the OS users than can read the wallet.
To access the database using the entry in the wallet, use the "/@" prior to the connection.
Examples for sqlplus and RMAN
SQLPLUS> connect /@<db_connect_string>
RMAN> connect catalog /@<db_connect_string>
OID (Oracle Internet Directory)/EUS (Enterprise User Security) uses LDAP or other methods to validate user credentials.
OID/EUS also uses a wallet that typically contains a unique certificate to authenticate a database.
Each database that utilized OID/EUS has it's own wallet file.
In this blog I will talk about how to combine 2 commonly used methods.
Security Methods
What is SEPS ?
The first method is SEPS (Secure External Password Store).SEPS uses a wallet to store default credentials for connecting to a database. The wallet can be used as the central location for username/password information when connecting from a system/application. Using the wallet credentials in scripts etc, keeps the credentials secure, and makes it easier to periodically update the password to follow security rules.
Creating the wallet
The location of the wallet file (WALLET_LOCATION) must be added to the sqlnet.ora file that is used by the OS session.There is also a second parameter WALLET_OVERRIDE that must also be set to true. This parameter determines if SEPS security is used for this database.
SQLNET.ORA entries
WALLET_LOCATION= < Location of wallet on OS >
****** Note that the many databases can share the same wallet if they each point to the same sqlnet.ora file. *****
Below is an example of how to add an entry into the wallet.
mkstore -wrlThe creation of the wallet entry takes 3 parameters-createCredential < db_connect_string > < username > < password >
1) db_connect_string - The connect string for the database that you wish to add. This can be either an entry in the tnsnames.ora file OR EZCONNECT
2) username - This is the user that you wish to connect to the database with
3) password - This is the current password for the user
The wallet is encrypted to obscure the password and permissions should limit the OS users than can read the wallet.
Using the wallet
To access the database using the entry in the wallet, use the "/@" prior to the connection.
Examples for sqlplus and RMAN
SQLPLUS> connect /@<db_connect_string>
RMAN> connect catalog /@<db_connect_string>
OID (Oracle Internet Directory)/EUS (Enterprise User Security) uses LDAP or other methods to validate user credentials.
OID/EUS also uses a wallet that typically contains a unique certificate to authenticate a database.
Each database that utilized OID/EUS has it's own wallet file.
OID/EUS wallets
The default location for OID/EUS wallets is with the ${ORACLE_BASE} directory structure. By default the wallet for a database (like other database files) is contained with ${ORACLE_BASE}/admin/${DB_NAME}/wallet.
Also, if utilizing the multitenant option, each PDB has a wallet, and the wallet's default location is ${ORACLE_BASE}/admin/${DB_NAME}/pdbguid/wallet.
Combining SEPS and OID/EUS.
Question . Then how do we combine SEPS and OID/EUS security ? SEPS requires WALLET_LOCATION to be set in the sqlnet.ora, and OID/EUS needs individual wallets for each database. Setting the WALLET_LOCATION to a central wallet location will "break" OID/EUS authentication.
Answer. The way to combine both these authentication methods is to utilize an environmental variable in the sqlnet.ora file. A variable needs to be created identifying the current database.
Step 1 - Ensure that there is a variable set that identifies the database name.
- This can be either on the OS level (setenv DB_NAME=)
- Through svrctl creating a variable that is set for all nodes in a cluster.
Step 2 - use this variable to set the wallet location in the sqlnet.ora file
*** Note: If multitenancy is used, the WALLET_LOCATION will be the root directory for PDB wallets.
Step 3 - ensure that the SEPS connection/username/password entry is in each wallet that will utilize the SEPS entry.
That's all there is to it. By using environmental variables within the sqlnet.ora file you can point to the individual wallet for each database (satisfying OID/EUS requirements), and still use SEPS (by adding the SEPS entry to each wallet).