Friday, June 29, 2012

AWR compare report

I came across this while doing some dbreplays, and found it very useful.

First, lets say you have a RAC cluster,  and you want to do some performance comparisons .. What's one of the issues you run into ?  For me it is trying to figure out which nodes I care about, and running the AWR report for that node. This is exasperated with a Full Rack Exadata.  8 nodes to compare.  Well this is what I use to compare 2 time periods across all nodes.  I also increase some of the reporting thresholds..

First the script to gather the report. (here)

To get this to work change the following

dbid  - dbid for the first time period
begin_snap - begin snap first time period
end_snap - end snap first time period

dbid2 - dbid for the second time period
begin_snap2 - begin snap second time period
end_snap2 - end snap second time period

Also notice that I changed top_n_** values to give me more data

Rem    NAME
Rem      awr_full.sql - Workload Repository Global Compare Periods Report
Rem      RAC Version of Compare Period Report
Rem    NOTES
Rem      Run as SYSDBA.  Generally this script should be invoked by awrgdrpt,
Rem      unless you want to pick a database and/or specific instances
Rem      other than the default.
Rem      If you want to use this script in an non-interactive fashion,
Rem      without executing the script through awrgdrpt, then
Rem      do something similar to the following:
      define  num_days     = 0;
      define  dbid         =2415508472; 
      define  instance_numbers_or_ALL    = 'ALL';
      define  begin_snap   = 35727;
      define  end_snap     = 35728;
      define  num_days2    = 0;
      define  dbid2        = 2415508472;
      define  instance_numbers_or_ALL2    = 'ALL';
      define  begin_snap2  = 35728;
      define  end_snap2    = 35729; 
      define  report_type  = 'html';
      define  report_name  = /tmp/awr_report.html
      define top_n_files        = 50;
      define top_n_segments     = 50;
      define top_n_services     = 50;
      define top_n_sql          = 100;

The second to last line of the script is to mail the report, and the script is here.

echo "From:"  > /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "To:"   >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "Subject: DBREPLAY output "   >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "Mime-Version: 1.0"      >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="DMW.Boundary.605592468"'   >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo " " >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo " dbreplay output " >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo " " >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="dbreplay.html"' >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
cat /tmp/awr_report.html >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/mailfilebsg
/usr/sbin/sendmail < /tmp/mailfilebsg

The second script will mail you the output as an attachement.  So when using it, be sure to make the E-mail address yours, and change the subject, and filename to be what you want.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Taking a career change

Well, I have decided to make a change and take a job with oracle.  I am very excited about this move, and I look forward to being more involved in big data.  As any of you know (who have read my blog posts), I have taken a strong interest in this area.  I know I'm not the only one.  You probably have heard the terms  "Data Scientist"...   Hadoop...  R..  These are all the areas that I'm going to be delving into in my new position.
  I will continue to blog, probably mostly about the same topics I blog about now.  I am looking forward to this change, and becoming part of this evolution.  Many people are saying that Big Data is the next big change (like the internet),  whether this is true or not, we shall see. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Problem debugging for DBFS

In trying to find out the cause of a DBFS issue, I learned what is expected (or helpful) when working with Support on DBFS issues.

1)  Logon trigger for dbfs user to create a trace file..
username VARCHAR2(30);
  IF username like 'FOO' then
    execute immediate 'alter session set events ''45050 trace name context forever, level 0xfffff'' ';

2) Start the DBFS client with tracing turned on.  (-otrace_file=,trace_level=2,trace_size=0). (see How to trace DBFS when any failure happens [ID 1320683.1])

Remember if you are running DBFS, you are probably on a multi-node clustered environment, so you only need to do these steps on one of the nodes to gather the data.  I turned the logon trigger on, remounted the FS with tracing..  reproduced issue. Verified the log files were created, disabled trigger, remounted without tracing..  I did this on only one node, and gathered what I needed with minimal issues.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Where is my space on DBFS

I just ran into an issue on DBFS where I ran out of space.

First here is the df -k

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
dbfs-dbfs_admin2@:/   20983808  11443696   9540112  55% /dbfs/dba

OK, everything looks good.. I am using 11g and I have 9.5g available.

I go to copy a file on the os (you can see it is 240m).  Lots of room

 ls -al bsg.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 240794862 May 18 11:37 bsg.out

cp bsg.out bsg.out1
cp: writing `bsg.out1': No space left on device
cp: closing `bsg.out1': No space left on device

So where is my space.  ?? I find this query..

set serveroutput on;
v_segment_size_blocks number;
v_segment_size_bytes number;
v_ number;
v_used_blocks number;
v_used_bytes number;
v_expired_blocks number;
v_expired_bytes number;
v_unexpired_blocks number;
v_unexpired_bytes number;
dbms_space.space_usage ('DBFS_OWNER', 'LOB_SFS$_FST_12345', 'LOB', 
v_segment_size_blocks, v_segment_size_bytes,
v_used_blocks, v_used_bytes, v_expired_blocks, v_expired_bytes, 
v_unexpired_blocks, v_unexpired_bytes );
dbms_output.put_line('Segment Size blocks = '||v_segment_size_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Segment Size bytes = '||v_segment_size_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('Used blocks = '||v_used_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Used bytes = '||v_used_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('Expired Blocks = '||v_expired_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('Expired Bytes = '||v_expired_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('UNExpired Blocks = '||v_unexpired_blocks);
dbms_output.put_line('UNExpired Bytes = '||v_unexpired_bytes);

And I see this output

Segment Size blocks = 2619024
Segment Size bytes = 21455044608
Used blocks = 1425916
Used bytes = 11681103872
Expired Blocks = 1190111
Expired Bytes = 9749389312
UNExpired Blocks = 0
UNExpired Bytes = 0

So.. according to this.. The segment is 21.4 g

11.7g is used space
  9.7g is Expired space
   0g   is unexpired space.

So if I have 9.7g of Expired space why can't I use it ??  My file is only 244m, and I should have 9.7 g available.

So my questions out of this are (if anyone knows the answer).

1) How does this happen and how do I avoid it ?

2) How do I size tablespaces for DBFS ?  They need more space to be available then I need for the file system.

3) How do I monitor the sizing since the DF -k does not report unexpired bytes that are available to be used ?

4) How does the clause "retention" fit into this ?  retention defaults to "auto" rather than "none".  Can I set it to "none", but what happens and does this solve my problem ?

Oh, and I wanted to make sure that I included the ouput of  whats in the tablespace.

SEGMENT_NAME                                             SEGMENT_TYPE       SEGMENT_SIZE
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------
LOB_SFS$_FST_12345                                       LOBSEGMENT                20461
T_ADMIN                                                  TABLE                        17
IP_SFS$_FST_12345                                        INDEX                         4
IPG_SFS$_FST_12345                                       INDEX                         3
IG_SFS$_FST_12345                                        INDEX                         2
SYS_IL0000095835C00007$$                                 LOBINDEX                      0

UPDATE (6/13/12)  --

After working with support on this, it was filed as a bug.  This occured because I was using DBFS as a filesytem for my dbreplay capture.  After thinking about it the dbcapture is probably the most intensive workload I could throw at DBFS.  Not only does it simultaneously write to multiple files, but it writes to those files across multiple nodes.  In my capture there were 4 nodes writing to 100's of files at the same time.
   I will be testing the patch, and see if it corrects the problem.  Support is telling me that the writing across multiple nodes is causing some of the issues..

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Analytical functions

I have been working on a query that is uses an analytical function..
I’m not familiar with them, but using my usual query tuning got me into some trouble..

This is the query.

    T17189.RTP_CAL_DT as c4,
    T17189.RTP_CAL_YR as c5,
T17189.RTP_CAL_YR DESC) as c6,
    REF_TIME_PERD T17189 /* Dim_TIME_PERD_D_Check_Date */ )
select * from SACOMMON71991 where SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID=20240213

The data in the table looks like this.

SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID    varchar(8)
RPT_CAL_DT                      date
RPT_CAL_YR                      varchar(4)

Some example values are.

SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID            RPT_CAL_DT              RPT_CAL_YR
19000101                                         01/01/1900                    1900

20120101                                         01/01/2012                    2012
20120125                                          01/25/2012                    2012
20120430                                          04/30/2012                    2012
20240213                                          02/13/2024                    2024
47121231                                           12/31/4712                   4712

Now back to my query..

    T17189.RTP_CAL_DT as c4,
    T17189.RTP_CAL_YR as c5,
    REF_TIME_PERD T17189 /* Dim_TIME_PERD_D_Check_Date */ )
select * from SACOMMON71991 where SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID=20240213

I noticed that the query did a full table scan of 219,000 rows.

  I figured, well I only wanted 1 row, so why can’t I just change the
query ??

     T17189.RTP_CAL_DT as c4,
     T17189.RTP_CAL_YR as c5,
     V_REF_TIME_PERD T17189  where SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID=20240213

My plan looks much better

But the answer is different ??

The first query returns.

SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID C4                            C5         C6         C7
-------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
            20240213 2024-02-13 00:00:00         2024         44          1

The second query returns

SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID C4                            C5         C6         C7
-------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
            20240213 2024-02-13 00:00:00         2024          1          1

So what exactly is the query doing ???

The query is actually analyzing more data than just my row.  After examining the query, I noticed the 4th column (C6) is actually the day of the year.  2/13 is the 44th day of the year.

So what exactly is the query doing to get this ???

It is starting with all rows in the table, then sorting them by RPT_CAL_YR, and SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID.  This is column c7 in table.. If we look back we see this column is


This column does the sorting to get the result.. Now if you look at C6, you see that it is a row_number over just the 1 column RPT_CAL_YR.  Since the rows are now sorted in data order (thanks to c7), C6 is just  the row number for the value passed to the query..

I know it gets kind of complicated.. The lesson learned from this, is that analytical functions sometimes need to do FTS to do their work.  By giving it the key value within the select, I removed the queries ability to look at the full tables data.

I also learned that by properly limiting the values in the right spot, you can eliminate rows.  Here is a better query. I am limiting the analytical function to just look at the current year.

    T17189.RTP_CAL_DT as c4,
    T17189.RTP_CAL_YR as c5,
T17189.RTP_CAL_YR DESC) as c6,
    REF_TIME_PERD T17189 /* Dim_TIME_PERD_D_Check_Date */ 
    where RTP_CAL_YR='2024')
select * from SACOMMON71991 where SUR_REF_TIME_PERD_ID=20240213

The plan is going through less data, but the appropriate data to get the right answer.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hyperthreading with Oracle (update)

After my first post on hyperthreading, and all the hits I've been getting I've decided to update it..

My first post was pased on testing with a DL980.. This is an 8 socket server with   X7560  @ 2.27GHz processes.

My currently updated post is on a new 2 socket server with the E7- 2870 @ 2.40GHz chipset.

The servers I tested on were

2 Socket
10 Core (dual threaded) Oracle
Linux RHEL  2.6.18-274.17.1.el5
132g of ram.

I tested by using Kevin Clossons SLOB test which can be found here.

I tested using multiple process settings, and you see how these  servers scaled up with the processes.

I warmed up with 15 processes.  Looking at the LIO count, we are doing 7.2 million. output

Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               14.4               24.9       0.00       4.60
       DB CPU(s):               14.3               24.7       0.00       4.56
       Redo size:           13,974.5           24,137.1
   Logical reads:        7,259,470.5       12,538,708.3
   Block changes:               32.9               56.8
  Physical reads:               69.9              120.8
 Physical writes:               15.8               27.2
      User calls:                3.1                5.4
          Parses:                3.8                6.6
     Hard parses:                0.0                0.0
W/A MB processed:                0.4                0.7
          Logons:                0.1                0.2
        Executes:           28,206.8           48,719.3
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0
    Transactions:                0.6

Then 20 processes.  8.7 million still looking good.  output

Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               18.9              127.0       0.00      10.83
       DB CPU(s):               18.9              126.8       0.00      10.82
       Redo size:           15,073.6          101,207.6
   Logical reads:        8,714,693.4       58,512,431.8
   Block changes:               39.2              263.4
  Physical reads:                2.1               13.9
 Physical writes:               13.0               87.0
      User calls:                1.8               11.7
          Parses:                3.8               25.6
     Hard parses:                0.0                0.1
W/A MB processed:                0.4                2.5
          Logons:                0.1                0.4
        Executes:           33,859.7          227,341.5
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0
    Transactions:                0.2

Now lets try 25.. see how we go past the number of cores .  9.4 million.. Hyperthreading is scaling nicely. output

Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               23.1               91.7       0.00       9.26
       DB CPU(s):               23.0               91.6       0.00       9.24
       Redo size:           21,634.2           86,063.7
   Logical reads:        9,406,658.2       37,420,998.8
   Block changes:               68.2              271.4
  Physical reads:                3.7               14.8
 Physical writes:                5.7               22.5
      User calls:                2.5                9.9
          Parses:                3.3               13.3
     Hard parses:                0.1                0.3
W/A MB processed:                0.4                1.6
          Logons:                0.1                0.5
        Executes:           36,544.7          145,380.0
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0
    Transactions:                0.3

Next 35.. Still scaling... output

Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               33.5              310.9       0.00      18.74
       DB CPU(s):               33.5              310.3       0.00      18.70
       Redo size:            9,379.2           86,997.8
   Logical reads:       11,039,158.6      102,395,221.3
   Block changes:               17.7              164.4
  Physical reads:                1.3               12.0
 Physical writes:                4.0               36.9
      User calls:                1.8               16.6
          Parses:                2.0               18.9
     Hard parses:                0.1                1.0
W/A MB processed:                0.2                2.2
          Logons:                0.1                0.6
        Executes:           42,882.8          397,765.4
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0
    Transactions:                0.1

Finally the number of threads.  This appears to be the peak. output

Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               38.3              387.0       0.00      17.48
       DB CPU(s):               37.6              380.4       0.00      17.18
       Redo size:            9,207.1           93,060.2
   Logical reads:       11,577,951.1      117,023,088.1
   Block changes:               16.4              166.1
  Physical reads:                1.1               11.5
 Physical writes:                4.5               45.1
      User calls:                2.2               22.1
          Parses:                2.0               19.9
     Hard parses:                0.1                0.6
W/A MB processed:                0.2                2.5
          Logons:                0.1                0.9
        Executes:           44,975.6          454,587.0
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0
    Transactions:                0.1

Now lets go up to 45 ...   things start dropping off.  output

oad Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               40.7              482.9       0.00      16.78
       DB CPU(s):               36.0              427.5       0.00      14.86
       Redo size:            8,205.8           97,318.2
   Logical reads:       11,100,719.6      131,651,002.6
   Block changes:               14.0              165.9
  Physical reads:                0.9               10.3
 Physical writes:                3.2               38.3
      User calls:                2.4               28.8
          Parses:                2.3               27.5
     Hard parses:                0.1                0.6
W/A MB processed:                0.3                3.6
          Logons:                0.1                1.4
        Executes:           43,122.5          511,418.6
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0
    Transactions:                0.1

So if you look at the throughput..

20 processes    8,7 Million LIO's
40 Processes   11.6 Million LIO's

Not quite linaear progression, but things don't really top off until I get to the number of threads..  This scaled much better, and it seems that hyperthreading is helpgin push more workload through.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Analyzing the last query run

I don't know how many times I find myself trying to tune a query, and going through the same tasks.

I run the sql in my session (most likely on sqlplus on the unix server), but I then try to track down the sql_id, and finally (if I am lucky) find the SQL Monitor report (tuning pack license required).

So I came up with a script that I am putting on all my severs. post_execute.sql

This script can be executed in your shell as the next step after running the query in question.. but first.

If you want to use the SQL Monitor output, you are best adding the /*+monitor */ hint to your query just to be sure it is captured.

Well this is what the script does.

1) run your query.. I used this query for my example.

select /*+monitor */ a.owner,b.table_name ,sum(bytes) from dba_segments a,
                                     dba_tables b
where a.owner=b.owner and 
group by a.owner,b.table_name
order by a.owner,b.table_name;

2) It captures the dbms_xplan.display_cursor output for the last run sql.. Here is snippet of what the output looked like..

Plan information for current query

SQL_ID  208ttrm2nbt0u, child number 0
select /*+monitor */ a.owner,b.table_name ,sum(bytes) from dba_segments 
a,                                      dba_tables b where 
a.owner=b.owner and       a.segment_name=b.table_name group by 
a.owner,b.table_name order by a.owner,b.table_name
Plan hash value: 1601540958
| Id  | Operation                                   | Name           | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                            |                |       |       | 14425 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                              |                |     6 |  2184 | 14425   (1)| 00:02:54 |
|*  2 |   HASH JOIN OUTER                           |                |     6 |  2184 | 14424   (1)| 00:02:54 |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS OUTER                       |                |     6 |  2160 | 14422   (1)| 00:02:54 |
|   4 |     NESTED LOOPS OUTER                      |                |     6 |  2106 | 14410   (1)| 00:02:53 |
|   5 |      NESTED LOOPS OUTER                     |                |     6 |  2070 | 14408   (1)| 00:02:53 |
|   6 |       NESTED LOOPS                          |                |     6 |  1998 | 14396   (1)| 00:02:53 |
|   7 |        NESTED LOOPS                         |                |     6 |  1974 | 14390   (1)| 00:02:53 |
|*  8 |         HASH JOIN                           |                |    67 | 19899 | 14318   (1)| 00:02:52 |
|*  9 |          HASH JOIN                          |                |  5095 |  1298K| 13638   (1)| 00:02:44 |
|  10 |           MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN              |                |   131 | 11135 |     5  (20)| 00:00:01 |
|* 11 |            HASH JOIN                        |                |     1 |    68 |     1 (100)| 00:00:01 |
|* 12 |             FIXED TABLE FULL                | X$KSPPI        |     1 |    55 |     0   (0)|          |
|  13 |             FIXED TABLE FULL                | X$KSPPCV       |   100 |  1300 |     0   (0)|          |
|  14 |            BUFFER SORT                      |                |   131 |  2227 |     5  (20)| 00:00:01 |
|  15 |             TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL       | USER$          |   131 |  2227 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  16 |           VIEW                              | SYS_DBA_SEGS   |  5095 |   875K| 13633   (1)| 00:02:44 |
|  17 |            UNION-ALL                        |                |       |       |            |          |
|* 18 |             HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER           |                |   672 |   103K| 12305   (1)| 00:02:28 |
|  19 |              TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL      | USER$          |   131 |  2227 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 20 |              HASH JOIN                      |                |   672 | 94752 | 12301   (1)| 00:02:28 |
|  21 |               NESTED LOOPS                  |                |   672 | 68544 | 11623   (1)| 00:02:20 |
|* 22 |                HASH JOIN                    |                |   672 | 63168 | 11623   (1)| 00:02:20 |
|  23 |                 TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL   | TS$            |   167 |  1336 |    48   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 24 |                 HASH JOIN                   |                |   672 | 57792 | 11574   (1)| 00:02:19 |
|  25 |                  TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL  | SEG$           | 16421 |   449K|   821   (1)| 00:00:10 |
|  26 |                  VIEW                       | SYS_OBJECTS    | 21369 |  1210K| 10752   (1)| 00:02:10 |
|  27 |                   UNION-ALL                 |                |       |       |            |          |
|* 28 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| TAB$           |  7284 |   177K|  2681   (1)| 00:00:33 |
|  29 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| TABPART$       |  1525 | 28975 |    12   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  30 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| CLU$           |    10 |   140 |  2680   (1)| 00:00:33 |
|* 31 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| IND$           |  9647 |   188K|  2681   (1)| 00:00:33 |
|  32 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| INDPART$       |  1322 | 25118 |    12   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 33 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| LOB$           |  1547 | 32487 |  2680   (1)| 00:00:33 |
|  34 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| TABSUBPART$    |    32 |   448 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  35 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| INDSUBPART$    |     1 |    52 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  36 |                    TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL| LOBFRAG$       |     1 |    17 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 37 |                INDEX UNIQUE SCAN            | I_FILE2        |     1 |     8 |     0   (0)|          |
|  38 |               TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL     | OBJ$           | 88138 |  3356K|   677   (1)| 00:00:09 |
|  39 |             NESTED LOOPS                    |                |    34 |  3638 |   450   (1)| 00:00:06 |
|  40 |              NESTED LOOPS                   |                |    34 |  3366 |   450   (1)| 00:00:06 |
|* 41 |               HASH JOIN OUTER               |                |    34 |  3094 |   416   (1)| 00:00:05 |
|  42 |                NESTED LOOPS                 |                |    34 |  2516 |   411   (0)| 00:00:05 |
|* 43 |                 TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL   | UNDO$          |   204 |  8568 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 44 |                 TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER        | SEG$           |     1 |    32 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 45 |                  INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | I_FILE#_BLOCK# |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  46 |                TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL    | USER$          |   131 |  2227 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  47 |               TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER          | TS$            |     1 |     8 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 48 |                INDEX UNIQUE SCAN            | I_TS#          |     1 |       |     0   (0)|          |
|* 49 |              INDEX UNIQUE SCAN              | I_FILE2        |     1 |     8 |     0   (0)|          |
|* 50 |             HASH JOIN                       |                |  4389 |   321K|   878   (1)| 00:00:11 |
|  51 |              TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL      | FILE$          |   569 |  6828 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 52 |              HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER          |                |  4389 |   270K|   874   (1)| 00:00:11 |
|  53 |               TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL     | USER$          |   131 |  2227 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 54 |               HASH JOIN                     |                |  4389 |   197K|   870   (1)| 00:00:11 |
|  55 |                TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL    | TS$            |   167 |  1336 |    48   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 56 |                TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL    | SEG$           |  4389 |   162K|   821   (1)| 00:00:10 |
|* 57 |          TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL          | OBJ$           | 88138 |  3098K|   679   (1)| 00:00:09 |
|* 58 |         TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER                | TAB$           |     1 |    32 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 59 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                  | I_OBJ#         |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  60 |        TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER                 | TS$            |     1 |     4 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 61 |         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                   | I_TS#          |     1 |       |     0   (0)|          |
|  62 |       TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER                  | SEG$           |     1 |    12 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 63 |        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    | I_FILE#_BLOCK# |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 64 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                       | I_OBJ1         |     1 |     6 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 65 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN                        | I_OBJ1         |     1 |     9 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|  66 |    INDEX FULL SCAN                          | I_USER2        |   131 |   524 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("CX"."OWNER#"="CU"."USER#")
   8 - access("SEGMENT_NAME"="O"."NAME" AND "O"."OWNER#"="U"."USER#")
   9 - access("OWNER"="U"."NAME")
  11 - access("KSPPI"."INDX"="KSPPCV"."INDX")
  12 - filter("KSPPI"."KSPPINM"='_dml_monitoring_enabled')
  18 - access("O"."OWNER#"="U"."USER#")
  20 - access("O"."OBJ#"="SO"."OBJECT_ID" AND "O"."TYPE#"="SO"."OBJECT_TYPE_ID")
  22 - access("S"."TS#"="TS"."TS#")
  24 - access("S"."FILE#"="SO"."HEADER_FILE" AND "S"."BLOCK#"="SO"."HEADER_BLOCK" AND 
              "S"."TS#"="SO"."TS_NUMBER" AND "S"."TYPE#"="SO"."SEGMENT_TYPE_ID")
  28 - filter(BITAND("T"."PROPERTY",1024)=0)
  31 - filter(("I"."TYPE#"=1 OR "I"."TYPE#"=2 OR "I"."TYPE#"=3 OR "I"."TYPE#"=4 OR "I"."TYPE#"=6 OR 
              "I"."TYPE#"=7 OR "I"."TYPE#"=8 OR "I"."TYPE#"=9))
  33 - filter((BITAND("L"."PROPERTY",64)=0 OR BITAND("L"."PROPERTY",128)=128))
  37 - access("S"."TS#"="F"."TS#" AND "S"."FILE#"="F"."RELFILE#")
  41 - access("S"."USER#"="U"."USER#")
  43 - storage("UN"."STATUS$"<>1)
  44 - filter(("S"."TYPE#"=1 OR "S"."TYPE#"=10))
  45 - access("S"."TS#"="UN"."TS#" AND "S"."FILE#"="UN"."FILE#" AND "S"."BLOCK#"="UN"."BLOCK#")
  48 - access("S"."TS#"="TS"."TS#")
  49 - access("UN"."TS#"="F"."TS#" AND "UN"."FILE#"="F"."RELFILE#")
  50 - access("S"."TS#"="F"."TS#" AND "S"."FILE#"="F"."RELFILE#")
  52 - access("S"."USER#"="U"."USER#")
  54 - access("S"."TS#"="TS"."TS#")
  56 - filter(("S"."TYPE#"<>6 AND "S"."TYPE#"<>5 AND "S"."TYPE#"<>8 AND "S"."TYPE#"<>10 AND 
  57 - storage(BITAND("O"."FLAGS",128)=0)
  58 - filter(BITAND("T"."PROPERTY",1)=0)
  59 - access("O"."OBJ#"="T"."OBJ#")
  61 - access("T"."TS#"="TS"."TS#")
  63 - access("T"."TS#"="S"."TS#" AND "T"."FILE#"="S"."FILE#" AND "T"."BLOCK#"="S"."BLOCK#")
  64 - access("T"."BOBJ#"="CO"."OBJ#")
  65 - access("T"."DATAOBJ#"="CX"."OBJ#")

3) It captures some execution statistics that I like to look at .. Here is the output below.

Summary of query stats

 ************** plan_hash_value       = 1188305021
 ************** sql_id               = 208ttrm2nbt0u

avg_elapsed_time      = 2.59
total_executions      = 2
avg_rows_processed    = 5372
avg_disk_reads        = 202
avg_buffer_gets       = 189970
avg_cpu_time          = 2426631
avg_iowait            = 99965
avg_cluster_wait      = 245947
avg_direct_writes     = 0
avg_plssql_exec_time  = 162398
avg_cell_offload      = 0

And finally it creates the beautiful sql_monitor output we are all used to.

Pretty cool huh ?  It creates these 3 pieces based on the last sql executed in the session.. Now this is the best part.. At the end of the script is this code.

!echo "From:"  > /tmp/file
!echo "To:"   >> /tmp/file
!echo "Subject: analyze output sql_monitor"   >> /tmp/file
!echo "Mime-Version: 1.0"      >> /tmp/file
!echo 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="DMW.Boundary.605592468"'   >> /tmp/file
!echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/file
!echo " " >> /tmp/file
!echo " analyze report sql_monitor " >> /tmp/file
!echo " " >> /tmp/file
!echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/file
!echo 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="analyze_dbms_xplan.txt"' >> /tmp/file
!echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" >> /tmp/file
!cat /tmp/analyze_dbms_xplan.txt >> /tmp/file
!echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/file

!echo 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="analyze_query_stats.txt"' >> /tmp/file
!echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" >> /tmp/file
!cat /tmp/analyze_query_stats.txt >> /tmp/file
!echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/file

!echo 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="analyze_sql_monitor.htm"' >> /tmp/file
!echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" >> /tmp/file
!cat /tmp/analyze_html.htm >> /tmp/file
!echo "--DMW.Boundary.605592468" >> /tmp/file

!/usr/sbin/sendmail < /tmp/file

This code will take the 3 output files, and mail them to you as attachments.  Notice my e-mail is in the script, so change it to what you need to get it going.  

I'm going to use the often, by putting it on all my servers and just running it after any stubborn sql show up. I will be instantly e-mailed the mail pieces I need to figure out what is going on with the sql.