Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Migrate your TDE wallet to Oracle Key Vault

How to migrate your local TDE wallet to  Oracle  Key Vault .            

Here and here are the links to the 21C document that I used for to go through this process.

Also, in order to keep up on OKV and new features, the Product manager Peter Wahl has a great blog where you can learn about on the latest additions to the product, and new release information.

I am assuming that you installed the OKV server cluster by this point.

NOTE: If you are using the RestAPI method of installing the client, you can go straight to step #6. Be sure you have changed the password using the command below.

Below are the steps.

1) Add the database/host to OKV as an endpoint.

 Remember in OKV, each endpoint is unique, but a wallet is shared between endpoints.

  I navigate to the endpoint tab and click on the "Add" button.

I fill in the information for my database (TDETEST from my previous post). This is the CDB, as I am using a UNITED wallet for all PDBs that are a member of my CDB. Once filled in I click on the "Register" button.

Once registered, I can see it on the Endpoint screen.  Note the "Enroll Token" column. This is needed to enroll the endpoint itself.  Save this token, as this will be needed by the person who actually enrolls each DB host/Database.

2) Create wallet in OKV and associate it with the endpoint(s)

Now that OKV is installed and configured on the client we can create a wallet in OKV to upload the keys into.  I am going to start by logging back into OKV and navigating to the wallets tab and clicking on "Create" to create a new wallet.
The screen belows comes up, and I enter the name of the new wallet to hold the keys for my CDB. I then click on save to save the new wallet.


3) Make this wallet the default wallet for the endpoint

Now go to the endpoints tab and click on the "endpoint name"

At this point you want to make this wallet the default wallet for the endpoint.  Click on the "Choose Wallet" button, and it will bring up the window in front. Select the correct wallet and click on save. This will set the default wallet for this endpoint when it is enrolled in the next step.


4) Download the OKV client install file

Now that the database/host is registered in OKV (the combination of the 2 is the endpoint), I need to download the jar file which will configure the setting on the database host.
The download is initiated by  logging out of the OKV console, and clicking on the "Endpoint Enrollment and Software Download" link on the logon screen. I highlighted it below.

You might not have noticed this link before !  Now click on the link, you don't need to login for this step.  It will bring up the window below and in that window you will 
  • Click on the "Submit Token" button, and it will validate the token
  • Click on "Enroll" to begin the download of the install file. If SMTP was configured, you can also have the software install e-mailed to the endpoint administrator.
The download file is a jar file called okvclient.jar. It is highly recommended that you rename it because it is specific to this endpoint.

5) Transfer the .jar file to the database host and install it.

The pre-requisites are in the install guide. The oracle environment during the install must be set to the database you are configuration ($ORACLE_HOME, $ORACLE_BASE, $ORACLE_SID)

My target directory is going to be "/home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/okv" and I copied my .jar file to /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest  (which I renamed to tdetest_okv.jar). 

Execute java passing the location of the jar file, followed by -d "install location"

[oracle@oracle-server okvtest]$ java -jar /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/tdetest_okv.jar -d /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/okv
Detected JAVA_HOME: /home/oracle/db_19c/jdk Enter new Key Vault endpoint password (<enter> for auto-login): Confirm new Key Vault endpoint password: The endpoint software for Oracle Key Vault installed successfully. Deleted the file : /home/oracle/app/oracle/okvfiles/okvtest/okvtest_install.jar [oracle@oracle-server okvtest]$

If this is the first time OKV is being installed on the server, you need to execute the script (located in the /bin directory within the install location) as root.  If it has already been executed, you can skip this step.

Creating directory: /opt/oracle/extapi/64/hsm/oracle/1.0.0/
Copying PKCS library to /opt/oracle/extapi/64/hsm/oracle/1.0.0/
Setting PKCS library file permissions

Finally, verify that we can connect OKV by executing "okvutil list". If successful, you will receive "default template". This script is located in the /bin directory within the install.

oracle@oracle-server bin]$ ./okvutil list
Enter Oracle Key Vault endpoint password:
Unique ID                               Type            Identifier
E8C825BB-649C-451E-98B8-E128B675FD31    Template        Default template for TDETEST_PRIMARY_NODE1

6) Review how OKV connects to the database.

  • WALLET_ROOT is set in the database, and within WALLET_ROOT there is an "/okv" directory where the endpoint software must be installed.
  • On the OS itself, a library is installed (as root if it's not already there) to take care of the encryption. The location on Linux is "/opt/oracle/extapi/64/hsm/oracle"
  • A link is created to a config file for this endpoint. This link is located in $ORACLE_BASE/okv/$DB_UNIQUE_NAME and links to 2 files that were part of the install. okvclient.lck, and okvclient.ora.
    NOTE: okvclient.ora is the configuration file where parameters are set for the endpoint. 


 7) Upload the keys from the local wallet into OKV 

Now we upload the keys from the local wallet into OKV.

The command is 
"okvutil upload -t WALLET -l {wallet location on host} -g {key vault wallet name} -v 2

NOTE: the Key Vault wallet name is case sensitive
[oracle@oracle-server bin]$ ./okvutil upload -t WALLET -l  /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/tde -g tdetest -v 2
okvutil version
Endpoint type: Oracle Database
Configuration file: /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/okv/conf/okvclient.ora
Standby Servers:
Uploading from /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/tde

Enter source wallet password:
Enter Oracle Key Vault endpoint password:

Uploaded 4 TDE keys
Uploaded 0 SEPS entries
Uploaded 0 other secrets
Uploaded 6 opaque objects

Uploading private persona
Uploading certificate request
Uploading trust points

Uploaded 1 private keys
Uploaded 1 certificate requests
Uploaded 0 user certificates
Uploaded 0 trust points

Upload succeeded

Within the upload, I can see where the TDE master keys are being uploaded for my PDBs by looking at the PDB guids.

PDB            PDB_ID

SQL> column name format a40
SQL> select name,guid from v$pdbs;

NAME                                     GUID
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------
PDB$SEED                                 BF5039AF39966A70E0536800000A09E1
TDEPDB1                                  BF50708B8BEB0266E0536800000A7B90
TDEPDB2                                  BF5072A8540A032BE0536800000AB0DD
TDEPDB3                                  BF507489CE7703B4E0536800000A8180

And I can look in the wallet in OKV (filtering by Symmetric key) and see the contents that was uploaded from the local wallet. In this screen I can identify the PDB key because I used tags when I created the keys.

8) Add secret to allow use of "External Store". 

1) I am going to add the OKV password to the keystore as a secret to allow me to use the "EXTERNAL STORE" instead of the password.

ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT ADD SECRET '0KV2021!' FOR CLIENT 'OKV_PASSWORD' TO LOCAL AUTO_LOGIN KEYSTORE '/home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/tde_seps';

: As I pointed out in the last post

  • The keystore must be in a subdirectory of the WALLET_ROOT location called "tde_seps" in order to be found.
  • The "FOR CLIENT" entry must be 'OKV_PASSWORD' to be found.
  • It must be AUTO_LOGIN so that it can be opened and used.

2) I am going to add the OKV password to the keystore as a secret to allow me to auto logon to the OKV Keystore.

ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT ADD SECRET '0KV2021!' FOR CLIENT 'HSM_PASSWORD' TO AUTO_LOGIN KEYSTORE '/home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/tde';

3)  I need to change the TDE_CONFIGURATION (which is dynamic).


4) I am going to bounce the database, and ensure that both my file and OKV wallets open up properly.

PDB Name   Type       WRL_PARAMETER                                      Status                         WALLET_TYPE          KEYSTORE Backed Up
---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- -------- ----------
CDB$ROOT   FILE       /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet//tde/ OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            NONE     YES
CDB$ROOT   OKV                                                           OPEN_NO_MASTER_KEY             OKV                  NONE     UNDEFINED
PDB$SEED   FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
PDB$SEED   OKV                                                           OPEN_NO_MASTER_KEY             OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED
TDEPDB1    FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
TDEPDB1    OKV                                                           OPEN_NO_MASTER_KEY             OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED
TDEPDB2    FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
TDEPDB2    OKV                                                           OPEN_NO_MASTER_KEY             OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED
TDEPDB3    FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
TDEPDB3    OKV                                                           OPEN_NO_MASTER_KEY             OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED

10 rows selected.

9) Combine the local wallet File and OKV. 

  Next I need to migrate the keys using the local wallet. Note this will rekey the database.


I am going to bounce the database and ensure it comes up with both Keystores opened.

PDB Name   Type       WRL_PARAMETER                                      Status                         WALLET_TYPE          KEYSTORE Backed Up
---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- -------- ----------
CDB$ROOT   FILE       /home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet//tde/ OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            NONE     YES
CDB$ROOT   OKV                                                           OPEN                           OKV                  NONE     UNDEFINED
PDB$SEED   FILE                                                          CLOSED                         UNKNOWN              UNITED   UNDEFINED
PDB$SEED   OKV                                                           CLOSED                         UNKNOWN              UNITED   UNDEFINED
TDEPDB1    FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
TDEPDB1    OKV                                                           OPEN                           OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED
TDEPDB2    FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
TDEPDB2    OKV                                                           OPEN                           OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED
TDEPDB3    FILE                                                          OPEN                           AUTOLOGIN            UNITED   YES
TDEPDB3    OKV                                                           OPEN                           OKV                  UNITED   UNDEFINED

9) Combine the local wallet

That's all there is to it !

The most important notes I found during this process

  • WALLET_ROOT and TDE_CONFIGURATION should be used in 19c.
  • The password for OKV
    • add secret to the wallet in WALLET_ROOT/tde_seps using client 'OKV_PASSWORD'
    • add secret to the wallet in WALLET_ROOT/tde using client 'HSM_PASSWORD'
  • OKV must  be installed in WALLET_ROOT/okv 
  • The local wallet for TDE must be in WALLET_ROOT/tde


  1. what about sqlnet.ora no changes to HSM ?

    1. If you are using the "WALLET_ROOT" parameter, you no longer have to deal with the sqlnet.ora. This is a much better solution for environments with multiple databases sharing the same $ORACLE_HOME location.

  2. Hi Bryan. Thanks for the blog post. Could you clarify step #8? Why is the local TDE keystore mentioned as "/home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/tde_seps" instead of "/home/oracle/app/oracle/admin/tdetest/wallet/tde"? Do you explicitly create tde_seps folder under the wallet root directory?
