Monday, July 24, 2023

RMAN - Create weekly archival backup from weekly full backups

 This blog post demonstrates a process to create KEEP archival backups dynamically by using backups pieces within a  weekly full/daily incremental backup strategy.  

Thanks to Battula Surya Shiva Prasad and Kameswara RaoIndrakanti for coming up process of doing this.

KEEP backups

First let's go through what keep a keep backup is and how it affects your backup strategy.

  1. A KEEP backup is a self-contained backupset.  The archive logs needed to de-fuzzy the database files are automatically included in the backupset.  
  2. The archive logs included in the backup are only the archive logs needed to de-fuzzy.
  3. The backup pieces in the KEEP backup (both datafile backups and included archive log pieces) are ignored in the normal incremental backup strategy, and in any log sweeps.
  4. When a recovery window is set in RMAN, KEEP backup pieces are ignored in any "Delete Obsolete" processing.
  5. KEEP backup pieces, once past the "until time" are removed using the "Delete expired" command.

Normal  process to create an archival KEEP backup.

  • Perform a weekly full backup and a daily incremental backup that are deleted using an RMAN recovery window.
  • Perform archive log backups with the full/incremental backups along with log sweeps. These are also deleted using the an RMAN recovery window.
  • One of these processes are used to create an archival KEEP backup.
    • A separate full KEEP backup is performed along with the normal weekly full backup
    • The weekly full backup (and archive logs based on tag) are copied to tape with "backup as backupset" and marked as "KEEP" backup pieces.

Issues with this process

  • The process of copying the full backup to tape using "backup as backupset" requires 2 copies of the same backup for a period of time.  You don't want to wait until the end of retention to copy it to tape.
  • If the KEEP full backups are stored on disk, along with the weekly full backups you cannot use the backup as backupset, you must perform a  second, separate backup.

Proposal to create a weekly KEEP backup

Problems with simple solution

The basic idea is that you perform a weekly full backup, along with daily incremental backups that are kept for 30 days. After the 30 day retention, just the full backups (along with archive logs to defuzzy) are kept for an additional 30 days.

The most obvious way to do this is to

  •  Set the RMAN retention 30 days
  • Create a weekly full backup that is a KEEP backup with an until time of 60 days in the future.
  • Create a daily incremental backup that NOT a keep backup.
  • Create archive backups as normal.
  • Allow delete obsolete to remove the "non-KEEP" backups after 30 days.
Unfortunately when you create an incremental backups, and there is only KEEP backups proceeding it, the incremental Level 1 backup is forced into an incremental level 0 backups.  And with delete obsolete, if you look through MOS note "RMAN Archival (KEEP) backups and Retention Policy (Doc ID 986382.1)" you find that the incremental backups and archive logs are kept for 60 days because there is no proceeding non-KEEP backup.


The solution is to use tags, mark the weekly full as a keep after a week, and use the "delete backups completed before tag='xx'" command.

Weekly full backup scripts

   backup archivelog all filesperset=20  tag ARCHIVE_ONLY delete input;
   change backup tag='INC_LEVEL_0'  keep until time 'sysdate+53';
   backup incremental level 0 database tag='INC_LEVEL_0' filesperset=20  plus archivelog filesperset=20 tag='INC_LEVEL_0';

  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-61' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_0';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-31' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_1';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-31' tag= 'ARCHIVE_ONLY';

Daily Incremental backup scripts

  backup incremental level 1 database tag='INC_LEVEL_1'  filesperset=20 plus archivelog filesperset=20 tag='INC_LEVEL_1';

Archive log sweep backup scripts

  backup archivelog all tag='ARCHIVE_ONLY' delete input;


I then took these scripts, and built an example using a 7 day recovery window.  My full backup commands are below.
   backup archivelog all filesperset=20  tag ARCHIVE_ONLY delete input;
   change backup tag='INC_LEVEL_0'  keep until time 'sysdate+30';
   backup incremental level 0 database tag='INC_LEVEL_0' filesperset=20  plus archivelog filesperset=20 tag='INC_LEVEL_0';

  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-30' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_0';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-8' tag= 'INC_LEVEL_1';
  delete backup completed before 'sysdate-8' tag= 'ARCHIVE_ONLY';

First I am going to perform a weekly backup and incremental backups for 7 days to see how the settings affect the backup pieces in RMAN.

for Datafile #1.

 File# Checkpoint Time   Incr level Incr chg# Chkp chg# Incremental Typ Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
------ ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
     3 06-01-23 00:00:06          0         0   3334337 FULL            NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-02-23 00:00:03          1   3334337   3334513 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-03-23 00:00:03          1   3334513   3334665 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-04-23 00:00:03          1   3334665   3334805 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-05-23 00:00:03          1   3334805   3334949 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-06-23 00:00:03          1   3334949   3335094 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-07-23 00:00:03          1   3335094   3335234 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1

for  archive logs

Sequence# First chg# Next chg# Create Time       Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
      625    3333260   3334274 15-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      626    3334274   3334321 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      627    3334321   3334375 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      628    3334375   3334440 01-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      629    3334440   3334490 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      630    3334490   3334545 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      631    3334545   3334584 02-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      632    3334584   3334633 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      633    3334633   3334695 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      634    3334695   3334733 03-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      635    3334733   3334782 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      636    3334782   3334839 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      637    3334839   3334876 04-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      638    3334876   3334926 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      639    3334926   3334984 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      640    3334984   3335023 05-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      641    3335023   3335072 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      642    3335072   3335124 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      643    3335124   3335162 06-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      644    3335162   3335211 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      645    3335211   3335273 07-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      646    3335273   3335311 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY

Next I'm going to execute the weekly full backup script that changes the last backup to a keep backup to see how the settings affect the backup pieces in RMAN.

for Datafile #1.
 File# Checkpoint Time   Incr level Incr chg# Chkp chg# Incremental Typ Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
------ ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
     3 06-01-23 00:00:06          0         0   3334337 FULL            YES  08-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-02-23 00:00:03          1   3334337   3334513 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-03-23 00:00:03          1   3334513   3334665 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-04-23 00:00:03          1   3334665   3334805 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-05-23 00:00:03          1   3334805   3334949 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-06-23 00:00:03          1   3334949   3335094 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-07-23 00:00:03          1   3335094   3335234 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-08-23 00:00:07          0         0   3335715 FULL            NO                              INC_LEVEL_0

for archive logs

Sequence# First chg# Next chg# Create Time       Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
      625    3333260   3334274 15-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      626    3334274   3334321 01-JUN-23         YES  08-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      627    3334321   3334375 01-JUN-23         YES  08-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      628    3334375   3334440 01-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      629    3334440   3334490 01-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      630    3334490   3334545 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      631    3334545   3334584 02-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      632    3334584   3334633 02-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      633    3334633   3334695 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      634    3334695   3334733 03-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      635    3334733   3334782 03-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      636    3334782   3334839 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      637    3334839   3334876 04-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      638    3334876   3334926 04-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      639    3334926   3334984 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      640    3334984   3335023 05-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      641    3335023   3335072 05-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      642    3335072   3335124 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      643    3335124   3335162 06-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      644    3335162   3335211 06-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      645    3335211   3335273 07-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      646    3335273   3335311 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      647    3335311   3335652 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      648    3335652   3335699 08-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      649    3335699   3335760 08-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      650    3335760   3335833 08-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY

Finally I'm going to execute the weekly full backup script that changes the last backup to a keep backup and this time it will delete the older backup pieces to see how the settings affect the backup pieces in RMAN.

for Datafile #1.

File# Checkpoint Time   Incr level Incr chg# Chkp chg# Incremental Typ Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
------ ----------------- ---------- --------- --------- --------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
     3 06-01-23 00:00:06          0         0   3334337 FULL            YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-08-23 00:00:07          0         0   3335715 FULL            YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
     3 06-09-23 00:00:03          1   3335715   3336009 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-10-23 00:00:03          1   3336009   3336183 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-11-23 00:00:03          1   3336183   3336330 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-12-23 00:00:03          1   3336330   3336470 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-13-23 00:00:03          1   3336470   3336617 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-14-23 00:00:04          1   3336617   3336757 INCR1           NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
     3 06-15-23 00:00:07          0         0   3336969 FULL            NO                              INC_LEVEL_0

for archive logs

Sequence# First chg# Next chg# Create Time       Keep Keep until Keep options    Tag
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ---- ---------- --------------- ---------------
      626    3334274   3334321 01-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      627    3334321   3334375 01-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      647    3335311   3335652 07-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      648    3335652   3335699 08-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      649    3335699   3335760 08-JUN-23         YES  15-JUL-23  BACKUP_LOGS     INC_LEVEL_0
      650    3335760   3335833 08-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      651    3335833   3335986 08-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      652    3335986   3336065 09-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      653    3336065   3336111 09-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      654    3336111   3336160 09-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      655    3336160   3336219 10-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      656    3336219   3336258 10-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      657    3336258   3336307 10-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      658    3336307   3336359 11-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      659    3336359   3336397 11-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      660    3336397   3336447 11-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      661    3336447   3336506 12-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      662    3336506   3336544 12-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      663    3336544   3336594 12-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      664    3336594   3336639 13-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      665    3336639   3336677 13-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      666    3336677   3336734 13-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      667    3336734   3336819 14-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_1
      668    3336819   3336857 14-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      669    3336857   3336906 14-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY
      670    3336906   3336953 15-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      671    3336953   3337041 15-JUN-23         NO                              INC_LEVEL_0
      672    3337041   3337113 15-JUN-23         NO                              ARCHIVE_ONLY


For my datafiles, I still have the weekly full backup, and it is a keep backup. For my archive logs, I still have the archive logs that were part of the full backup which are needed to de-fuzzy my backup.

Restore Test

Now for the final test using the next chg# on the June 1st archive logs 3334375;

RMAN> restore database until scn=3334375;

Starting restore at 15-JUN-23
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=259 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/ocidb/backups/da1tiok6_1450_1_1 tag=INC_LEVEL_0
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/ocidb/backups/db1tiola_1451_1_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/ocidb/backups/db1tiola_1451_1_1 tag=INC_LEVEL_0
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1

RMAN> recover database until scn=3334375;
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log restore to default destination
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring archived log
archived log thread=1 sequence=627
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/ocidb/backups/dd1tiom8_1453_1_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/ocidb/backups/dd1tiom8_1453_1_1 tag=INC_LEVEL_0
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
archived log file name=/u01/app/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1/dbs/arch1_627_1142178912.dbf thread=1 sequence=627
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00
Finished recover at 15-JUN-23
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;

Statement processed

Success !