Saturday, March 31, 2012

R and visualing your execution times

Well, I think I'm a little late to the party..   I know Greg Rahn did a great post on utilizing R to visual your ash data.  I figure I would do a simple example of how to build something myself to show how easy it is to utilyze R to visualize query execution times..

Well first I stated by downloading R from

Once I downloaded R, I went to one of my databases, and found a query that had different execution times I wanted to play with.  I created an output file from the query.. Here is the script I used..

set pagesize 10000
set feedback off
spool rtest.txt

select trunc((elapsed_time_delta/executions_delta)/1000000,4) avg_execution_time "AVG_EXECUTION_TIME",
       execution_date "EXECUTION_DATE"
select sum(elapsed_time_delta) elapsed_time_delta,
       sum(executions_delta) executions_delta,
              to_char(trunc(end_interval_time),'mm/dd/yy') execution_date
from dba_hist_sqlstat a,
     dba_hist_snapshot b
 where sql_id='19sqmxkc58wqm'
and a.snap_id=b.snap_id
and a.instance_number=b.instance_number
--and executions_delta>0
group by plan_hash_value,to_char(trunc(end_interval_time),'mm/dd/yy')
where executions_delta > 0
order by execution_date;
spool off

This script created a file I brought over to my pc and cleaned up the format. Here is part of the file..

AVG_EXECUTION_TIME PLAN_HASH_VALUE execution_date                                     
           20.4368       566875892 01/01/12                                     
           50.3253      4009342004 01/01/12                                     
           21.4655       566875892 01/02/12                                     
           19.8312      4009342004 01/02/12                                     
           69.9299      4009342004 01/03/12                                     
          135.7153      4009342004 01/04/12                                     
           39.3972      4009342004 01/05/12                                     
           65.2833      4009342004 01/06/12                                     
           39.8093      4009342004 01/07/12                                     
           35.8615      4009342004 01/08/12                                     
           18.7553       566875892 01/09/12                                     
          134.7431      4009342004 01/09/12                                     
           76.2954      4009342004 01/10/12                                     
          115.8707      4009342004 01/11/12                                     
           60.0754      4009342004 01/12/12                                     
          102.6432      4009342004 01/13/12                                     
           22.2528       566875892 01/14/12                                     
          119.8541      4009342004 01/14/12                                     
           21.8552       566875892 01/15/12                                     
           18.5785      4009342004 01/15/12                                     
           19.3179       566875892 01/16/12                                     
            80.794      4009342004 01/16/12                                     
           67.0872      4009342004 01/17/12                                     
          107.1604      4009342004 01/18/12                                     
           28.9797      4009342004 01/19/12                                     

I put this file into c:\r and named it query_performance .txt.

I then went into R and ran the following commands.

query_data <- read.table("query_performance.txt",header=T)

max_num <- max(query_data$AVG_EXECUTION_TIME)

     right=F,main="Execution Time Histogram",las=1)

You can see I just ran a few simple commands...

setwd --- set the working directory to c:\r
read.table --- read in my space delimitted table (there is a read.csv for a comma separated file)
max_num  --- is set to the maximum execution time in the file

hist   -- creates a histogram of the execution times.. Check out below what comes out. Sweet !!

This was easy, and gives me a great picture of the variance in execution times. 

I am going to work more with this file since it had 2 different plans I want to visual the differences.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cooking for Geeks (shameless plug)

I am part of the O-Really Blogger review program, and long, long ago I picked up the book

"Cooking for Geeks" by Jeff Potter  for review. 

This was a fantastic book.. I am both a geek, and cook.  This book does a great job of tying the 2 together.  It not only talks about spices, and ingredients but explains in geekspeak why they work togethor.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book ,and I would recommend it to anyone that is interested in cooking, or at all interested in the chemistry, and biology behind how and why we enjoy foods.

Here is a link to the book.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Benchmarks for CPU's

I have been doing some benchmarks on a couple of different systems for LIO's. I have been using Kevin Closson's great SLOB toolkit.  You can find more information about it on his blog here.

I have been looking at 2 different systems, and here are my results
These 2 systems are both HP.

The first is an AMD 6276 server. 2 socket x 16 cores. (465 G7)

./ 0 40
The awr is posted.

Here is the summary of throughput.
oad Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               37.9               46.6       0.00       5.96
       DB CPU(s):               30.3               37.2       0.00       4.76
       Redo size:           15,791.3           19,408.2
   Logical reads:       10,119,426.4       12,437,215.0
   Block changes:               83.4              102.5
  Physical reads:                0.4                0.6
 Physical writes:               11.5               14.1
      User calls:                6.4                7.8
          Parses:                3.0                3.7
     Hard parses:                0.1                0.1
W/A MB processed:                0.2                0.2
          Logons:                0.1                0.1
        Executes:           39,333.0           48,342.0
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.0

I then looked at the new Intel E7 2870 I got.  2 socket 10 core, dual threaded (BL620 E7)

./ 0 43

the awr is here
Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Load Profile              Per Second    Per Transaction   Per Exec   Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~         ---------------    --------------- ---------- ----------
      DB Time(s):               40.9              108.6       0.00       6.93
       DB CPU(s):               37.8              100.4       0.00       6.41
       Redo size:           10,053.3           26,674.3
   Logical reads:       13,203,419.8       35,032,516.8
   Block changes:               36.9               97.9
  Physical reads:                0.0                0.0
 Physical writes:                9.6               25.4
      User calls:                5.9               15.7
          Parses:                4.0               10.7
     Hard parses:                0.0                0.0
W/A MB processed:                0.2                0.6
          Logons:                0.3                0.7
        Executes:           51,300.2          136,114.4
       Rollbacks:                0.0                0.1
    Transactions:                0.4

Look at that throughput.. the 43 process count looks to be the best throughput of over 13 Million LIOS/second

WOW  the new AMD Bulldozer has great numbers, but the intel really Rocks !

Saturday, March 10, 2012

IOUG Real World Performance tour

Last Thursday the Real World Performance Tour came to Rochester, NY.

I know what you're probably thinking. One of 2 things.

1) Why did it come there, aren't you a suburb of NYC (we are actually about a 7 hour drive from NYC)
2) Why there ?  Did the cows enjoy it ?

We we had a huge turnout. There were about 90 people in attendance.  For this area, that is one of the biggest attendence I have every seen. Especially since it was a paid event, and the lunch was boxed.

The Tour consists of three individuals

1) Tom Kyte... He needs no explaination.

2) Andrew Holdsorth -  Head of the real world performance team.  As a point of full disclosure, I've had a couple of meetings with Andrew in the past, so I already have discussed some of the topics with him in those meetings. 

3) Graham Wood -  Oracle Database Architect in database development.  He is the person responsible for AWR reports.

The day was broken up in 2 halfs.  The morning concentrated on how to manage a data warehouse, and the afternoon concentrated on OLTP.  Of course the approach to both of these areas is different.

The morning covered a number of topics, especially concentrating on the challenges of a data warehouse.

Hash joins vs Nested loops
indexing vs FTS.

Some of the presentation talked about HCC and the exadata, but I would say in general only about 10-20% was exadata specific. No sales pitch, just reasons why it helps..

The afternoon was dedicated to the issues revolving around an OLTP system.  A lot of it covered the material in the youtube video narrated by Andrew on the connections pooling, and how it affects performance.

It was a great day, and there was a lot of great material.. I have talked to Andrew before, and I've seen his videos, but I still got a lot out of the day.

If it is coming to your city, it is definately worth going to.

Here are some links to check out.

Here is Tom's presentation, but like most good presentations, the slides miss a lot.

Here are the Youtube videos from Andrew .. Thanks Andrew for creating these !

And finally, here is the upcoming schedule of events.