Thursday, September 24, 2020

ZDLRA - How to do a storage checkup

 One of the items that comes up with the ZDLRA is a storage checkup.  The DBAs want to know more detail about the storage utilization of each database.

Once you understand the above concepts you realize that are there 2 major pieces that affect the storage utilization for a database.

1) How much space a level 0 backup takes.  Since the ZDLRA virtualizes full backups, each database has at least 1 copy of each block on the ZDLRA.  It would be only 1 if it doesn't change, or it could 30 copies of the same block if it changes every day (like system tablespace data). What you are interested is the size of 1 full backup

2) The amount of storage 1 day of changes takes up (on average).  This would be the stored size of an incremental backup (if you perform an incremental every day), and it would be the stored size of the archive logs for a day of workload.

By combining these 2 pieces you can then calculate how much storage is needed for X number of days of backups.

Now how do I do this ? below is the query I use, and I will explain the columns in it.

select db_unique_name,
               trunc(size_estimate,0) estimated_db_size,
               trunc(space_usage,0) space_usage,
               trunc(estimate_zero_day_space - ((estimate_seven_day_space - estimate_one_day_space)/6),0) level_0_size,
               trunc((estimate_seven_day_space - estimate_one_day_space)/6,1) one_day_space,
               trunc(recovery_window_space,0) recovery_window_space,
(Select db_unique_name,
       extract(day from recovery_window_goal) recovery_window_goal,
       dbms_ra.estimate_space (DB_UNIQUE_NAME,numtodsinterval(1,'day')) estimate_zero_day_space,
       dbms_ra.estimate_space (DB_UNIQUE_NAME,numtodsinterval(1,'day')) estimate_one_day_space,
       dbms_ra.estimate_space (DB_UNIQUE_NAME,numtodsinterval(7,'day')) estimate_seven_day_space,
       dbms_ra.estimate_space (DB_UNIQUE_NAME,recovery_window_goal) estimate_rwg_space,
               from ra_database);

 What's returned


DB name


How long backups are kept


How much space (GB) is the DB using in total ?


Estimated size (GB) of just the full backup


Estimated space usage (GB) for a single day of backups


How much space is needed for a 14 day recovery window.


How much space is set aside for backups ?


How big is the database (GB) estimated to be ?


This returns the space (GB) needed for the recovery window from RA_DATABASE which may not match calculating using the columns returned.

Now let's take a look at what I can do with this..

This is an example, where I summarize the space utilization for a couple of  ZDLRAs.

And here I looked at the detail for the databases.

This report (just above this) gives me some really useful information.

  • I can see DB02 has a really big change rate. The database is only about 2.5 TB, but it is using 14 TB of storage.
  • I can see the disk_reserved_space is way too small for DB01.  DB01 needs about 15 TB to keep it's recovery window goal, but the disk_reserved_space is only 500 GB
  • DB03 looks good.  Change rate is not significant, and disk_reserved_space is set a little higher than the RECOVERY_WINDOW_SPACE.

Now finally, I was able to use the one_day_space, and graph out the space utilization for each days Recovery window.
This graph shows each day of RWG and it's storage needs,  the currently USED, and the USABLE space.  I can see that even though my used space is close to the usable space, there is still room for growth. I can also use this to see what happens to my storage utilization if I changed the RWG to 10 days.

I highly recommend periodically doing a health check on your storage utilization, and review the disk_reserved_space.

I hope this gives some information you can use to take a closer look.

**NOTE ** this query is accurate as 9/30/20.  It might need to be adjusted with future releases.

Also, it is only as accurate as the data. The longer a database has been backing up with a consistent workload, the better the estimate.



  1. Hi Bryan,

    Your query and blog have been helpful since ZDLRA and Exadata are new to me.

    As of our most recent update to ZDLRA_21.1.0_LINUX.X64_RELEASE, unfortunately this query is giving us the following error:

    ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query
    ORA-06512: at "RASYS.DBMS_RA_MISC", line 4985
    ORA-06512: at "RASYS.DBMS_RA", line 1182
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    Any updates to the query?

  2. I did notice the same issue, and I you can look at this blog post where I figured out how to get around that issue.
